James O’Keefe Is A Council for National Policy And Leadership Institute Trained Whore Of The Priest Class Elite
James O’Keefe Is A Council for National Policy And Leadership Institute Trained Whore Of The Priest Class Elite
By Lee Rogers
March 9th, 2011
James O’Keefe the character who has generated a great deal of media attention for secretly recording compromising audio and video of people affiliated with so-called left leaning organizations has had close historical ties to the Council for National Policy linked Leadership Institute. O’Keefe got his start in media during his time at Rutgers where he founded the Rutgers Centurion a right-wing oriented newspaper from a grant provided to him by the Leadership Institute. The Leadership Institute was founded by Morton Blackwell a long time member of the Council for National Policy which is a secretive right-wing networking organization whose membership consists of many in the mainstream religious and political elite.
The purpose of the Leadership Institute is to identify and train young conservatives so they can be placed in positions throughout politics, government and media. People like Grover Norquist, Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence are alumni of the Leadership Institute indicating the organization’s influence amongst the right wing of the phony mainstream political system.
After O’Keefe graduated from Rutgers, he would go work for the Leadership Institute where he traveled to colleges training students on how to start up conservative newspapers.
O’Keefe would soon begin secretly capturing audio and video of people associated with various left wing organizations catching employees of groups like Planned Parenthood and ACORN making embarrassing statements. His work has largely been used to continue promoting the divide and conquer mindset of the false left versus right political paradigm and getting people fighting over Republican versus Democrat ideologies. He has even been praised by right-wing propagandists like Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and others.
It was due to these activities that Blackwell claims they parted ways with O’Keefe because they were afraid that the Leadership Institute would lose their tax exempt status as a result. Of course, it is highly doubtful that O’Keefe is making a living doing what he claims is independent muckraking and shooting hidden video footage.
It is almost 100% certain that he is working with somebody close to the establishment considering his association with Blackwell and others in the Republican mainstream. O’Keefe’s videos would not be covered as extensively as they have on major media outlets over the past several years if he were doing this reporting out of the kindness of his heart. O’Keefe is an obvious operative of some kind otherwise his videos would have never gotten this amount of attention by the corporate media whores that present false realities to the masses.
O’Keefe has also been at the center of the recent National Public Radio or NPR scandal where he shot hidden video footage of NPR executive Ron Schiller making controversial comments about Christians, Jews, Republicans and Tea Party members. Since NPR is a publically funded media organization, this has made it quite easy for the corporate media to stage a false left versus right debate with this story. What’s really odd about this whole situation is that Schiller was getting ready to leave NPR in order to take a position at the Aspen Institute a globalist think tank funded by the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers.
Among the board of trustees at the Aspen Institute is Dave H. Koch who is a huge supporter of Tea Party related causes. This raises questions about the entire NPR scandal being staged for the purposes of public consumption. The timing of this footage coming out just as Schiller was getting ready to leave NPR for a group that has affiliations with Tea Party funder David H. Koch is another indication that this event was completely staged. O’Keefe claims he has additional video footage which he has yet to release, which means we can count on this circus surrounding NPR, Schiller and O’Keefe to go on for quite some time.
Last year, news outlets reported a failed attempt by O’Keefe to lure CNN correspondent Abbie Boudreau onto a boat that is said to have been filled with sex devices. On the boat, O’Keefe planned to make sexually suggestive comments towards her while everything was being filmed secretly. It was an obvious attempt by O’Keefe to try to shoot what could have been potentially embarassing video footage of her. This type of encounter indicates clearly that O’Keefe is some sort of deranged pervert.
O’Keefe has also been involved in other high profile scandals including his arrest on felony charges for interfering with the telephone system of U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu. O’Keefe was sentenced to three years probation, community service and forced to pay a fine.
It is also funny to see how the media outlets O’Keefe has founded both have veiled references to Rome. The Rutgers newspaper he founded as mentioned previously is the Rutgers Centurion and a Centurion was a Roman military rank. His web site is called TheProjectVeritas.Org which is interesting considering that Veritas is Latin for “Truth” and Latin was of course the language spoken in Ancient Rome.
Although Latin is considered to be a dead language of sorts, it is still spoken by many members of the clergy. His use of this terminology could very well be a sick joke as he openly declares his alliegance to the priest class elite.
Long story short, O’Keefe is another operative of the priest class elite considering his extensive ties to the Council for National Policy linked Leadership Institute. This whole situation with NPR looks as if it is a staged operation as there are many questions about the players involved. Unfortunately, it looks as if this O’Keefe clown will be responsible for putting out more material that will continue to facilitate the false Republican versus Democrat mindset that has been very effective at controlling the minds of many individuals.
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