Jesuit's cozie up to abortion broker

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Jesuit school cozies up to abortion broker
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow

Planned Parenthood signSeattle University, a Jesuit Catholic university, is being targeted over its relationship with Planned Parenthood.

The school, which was founded in 1891, is engaging in a relationship with Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations in a way that is entirely inappropriate for a Catholic institution, says Patrick Reilly of the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS).

Patrick Reilly (CNS)"Students are actually being referred to Planned Parenthood for so-called 'sexual health issues' which, as we know, Planned Parenthood performs nearly a third of the abortions in the United States," says Reilly. "And promoting internships with Planned Parenthood -- encouraging students to get involved with organizations like the National Organization for Women and other pro-abortion organizations."

The situation has already been brought to the attention of SU president Stephen Sundborg, but so far there has been no communication on the subject.

"There have been calls over the past several weeks for him to put a stop to the internships with Planned Parenthood; and we've not seen a response, but we're hoping that with 16 national Catholic and pro-life leaders calling on the university to make a change, that we will see appropriate changes there," the CNS representative states.

Reilly adds that what his group is asking for is simply that the school abides by the beliefs that it publicly claims to espouse.

The Cardinal Newman Society seeks to "help renew and strengthen Catholic identity in Catholic higher education", according to its website.


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