What does the Bible say about sex as a source of enjoyment and strengthening marriage relationships? Prov. 5:18, 19; 1 Cor. 7:2–5.
Sex is one of the many enjoyable gifts that God has granted to men and women. God designed it not only for procreation but also to be a source of joy, closeness, and unity—but only in the context of marriage between one man and one woman (Gen. 1:27, 28; 1 Cor. 7:2). When taken away from this God-ordained framework and purpose, the gift becomes sin—sin often with devastating consequences(see 1 Cor. 6:18, 19). God alone knows the extent of havoc that sexual immorality has brought to the human family.
Sex is a very strong drive and thus readily open to abuse. It easily can become an absorbing obsession, one that’s very difficult to control. Worse, the more one indulges in it, the more and more sex one needs in order to reach the level of satisfaction attained earlier.
Prostitution and adultery are traditional paths into sexual immorality and addiction (see Prov. 5:3–14, 9:13–18). In addition, other forms of sex addiction are available today, such as pornography and cybersex. Internet pornography has created a staggering problem because, with a few mere clicks of a mouse, it can put the most vile and degrading acts into our homes and offices. These practices are highly capable of creating addiction, compulsion, and deterioration of marriage and family ties. It’s impossible to calculate the damage, for instance, that adultery has created in the world.
Sexual immorality is easy to start, and those who have not fallen into its trap will do well in keeping far from it. How crucial that when confronted with sexual temptations outside the sacred bonds of marriage, each person should act as Joseph did (see Gen. 39:7–12).
God is willing to grant full pardon and freedom to anyone trapped in sex addictions. Submission to Him is crucial (James 4:7). But the addiction mechanism is so intricate that professional help may be needed. Support groups that incorporate God as the ultimate source of help and include specialized skills to treat the problem can be of great benefit, if available.
How can you help someone who, though guilty of sin in this area, is seeking to know God’s forgiveness and healing?Suppose you are struggling here. How can you know that all hope is not lost, just as long as you don’t lose hope yourself? Jesus forgives—and heals.
Anyone who is struggling with sexual addiction needs to be displayed unconditional love. We must support people who are struggling and want to change and not tear them down. We have all struggled with something and it is only by the grace of God that we are able to be victorious.
Read more at www.quickandpowerful.orgPrayer: Father we thank you for all that you have done. I pray that you will help those who are dealing with sexual addictions please grant them deliverance. Father we know that you have the power to help us overcome any difficulty. Thank you in Jesus name amen.
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