Obama Abandons Defense Of Marriage Act

President Obama snubs the American family

President Obama snubs the American family
Obama Abandons Defense Of Marriage Act
Once again, President Obama has delivered a low blow to the American family.

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard about it.

On February 23rd, the Department of Justice announced President Obama’s decision to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) because he believes it is unconstitutional.

If you recall, huge majorities in both the House and Senate signed DOMA into law in 1996.

DOMA defines marriage as only between a man and a woman; and therefore does not compel the federal government to recognize homosexual marriages.

It also protects states from being forced to recognize homosexual marriages from other states.

But beyond just abandoning DOMA, President Obama has recklessly disregarded the will of the people.

First, he snubs us by telling Congress –- the representatives of the people that he will ignore the law they passed.

Second, he snubs us by dangerously undermining similar DOMA laws that have already been passed in forty-two states.

President Obama’s refusal to defend the federal DOMA now puts those state DOMA laws at risk.

But there is more to this than all the legal mess.

President Obama clearly shows his contempt for the role of traditional marriage and family in our culture.

As you know, husband and wife are the core units of the family.

It’s fathers and mothers who pass on morals to the children – the morals which have made America strong throughout our history.

In fact, between 1996 and 2008, in handing down opinions on DOMA, several courts identified this principle as the strongest defense of traditional marriage.

But, in the past two years under the Obama Administration, the Department of Justice has not included this in their briefs, instead offering only the bare minimum defense.

So pro-family groups, including Public Advocate are pressing Congress to pick up the pieces and defend DOMA.

Not just to file friend-of-the-court briefs but to intervene as a party in all cases where DOMA is challenged.

Right now there are ongoing challenges in states including Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts.

On the other hand, ultra-liberal Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA) plans to introduce legislation that will repeal DOMA once and for all.

And while President Obama disregards the rule of law, and disregards the will of the people, there is one group he clearly is not disregarding –- those who brought him to the White House -- and that is the Homosexual Lobby.

Even so, just writing this letter to you makes me want to work harder for you.

One thing is sure, the American people will not stand for their will to be overruled by any branch of government -- not the judicial, not the legislative, and not the President!

For the Family,
Eugene Delgaudio
Public Advocate of the U.S.

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