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The New New Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal
hey are powerful and rich. They are contained in their own city-state with their own rules and their own security, and...they are asleep at the wheel again. On Tuesday, the Vatican admitted that they were aware of the growing problem of priests sexually abusing nuns. Apparently this has been going on for quite some time and is as far reaching as 23 different countries. I have written about the unfair treatment of nuns before, but that was mostly about not being able to transcend the role of nun and become a priest. This...this is total BS.Read more at
While most of the sexual abuse occurred in Africa, it was not contained to just Africa. The Philippines, India, Ireland and the United States are among the countries where abuse has been reported. Often times when nuns asked for some kind of help from her superior (a priest), it was required/expected that sexual favors be used as repayment. If nuns were to study abroad and didn't know the language, needed help with living arrangements, food and/or necessities, then sexual favors were required/expected in return.
Some of the nuns were forced to go on the pill, some got prego and some even had abortions. In one case one nun that was sexually abused, had an abortion, died from the abortion and her "aggressor" led the funeral (so freekin' disgusting). One congregation had 29 sisters become prego. In one African community, village elders were approached by priests asking that they supply nuns to them. When the community leaders refused they were told that they were forcing the priests to sleep with prostitutes, thus increasing the likeliness of contracting AIDS. In fact, many reports out of Africa claim that nuns were considered "safe targets" because the were celibate and not exposed to AIDS previously.
In addition to the Vatican's admission on Tuesday, a paper published in 1998 by Sister Marie McDonald, "The Problem of Sexual Abuse of African Religious in Africa and Rome", chronicles rampant sexual abuse and the already established frustration of sisters trying to address the problem...back then (and what has been done since?). Commenting on the current situation, Cardinal Martinez Somalo head of the Vatican Congregation for Religious Life said that he was "setting up a committee." What that means is that nothing will be done, again.
The National Catholic Reporter was first to come out with the story, but when I went there just now, the main headline under the Accountability section(and yes there is an Accountability section), was about a nun abusing a boy*. The Vatican is not going to do anything about this. As I wrote before, the church protects the priests, but punishes the nuns/women. For example, the case from a couple of years ago where the church paid for the love child of a priest (raising and college), but punished nuns for helping at a woman's clinic. Reports say that nuns that are sexually abused not only not get help from the church, but are "shunned", returned damaged to their families and in some cases...become prostitutes.
We have seen how slow moving the Vatican has been about the clergy abuse scandal, so what can we expect them to do about the nun abuse scandal? Expect...I don't expect anything but the same...which is nothing.
* The article could have been there. I just thought it was weird/funny but not funny that the first article I click on is about a nun (singular) abusing a boy. Sure, that is not right either, but why pile on on the nuns when 'they' have a bigger problem with the priests.
* H/T @mojoey at Deep Thoughts.
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