Jesus People Infiltrate Frat House

Amplify’d from

Hamilton Nolan

Jesus People Have Infiltrated Your Frat HouseHave your fraternity brothers been acting a bit...odd lately? Have you noticed something a little...strange about your sorority sisters? We don't want to alarm, but we have to be honest: your bros may be involved in Jesus.

Frat boys refusing to drink? Bible studies popping up in your frat house? Sorority sister at the party telling you you've "had enough?" It's all part of Jesus's nefarious plan to use "an evangelical Christian campus group, Greek InterVarsity," to ruin the best years of your life. The NYT reports:

Kurt Skaggs, a junior at Indiana University, sees himself as something of a missionary. "Some people go to Africa or South America," he said, explaining his decision to join Sigma Phi Epsilon. "I can go to my frat house, where my single goal is to glorify God and share the Gospel."

Yea, so before I join this frat, I just wanna know...are you going to be glorifying God here? Because I'm cool with being branded and paddled and made to vomit into buckets. But glorifying God... Jesus. I just wouldn't want my parents to find out.

[NYT. Photo: FB]


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