Cromwell Parliment Speech 1656 Pt 1 of 5

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Cromwell Delivers Greatest Parlimentarian Speech in World History, 1656! Pt. 1 of 5

Oliver Cromwell: Protector of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, 1656


Thomas Carlyle, one of England’s foremost Protestant historians, quotes one of his contemporaries eloquently summarizing this most gripping speech of the Protector of the Commonwealth of Great Britain and Defender of the Protestant Faith, our beloved Oliver Cromwell.  We read in awe this review of the epic grandeur of our most noble, AV1611 Bible-believing, Spirit-led, Savior of the Reformation in England:

“No Royal Speech like this was ever delivered elsewhere in the world!  It is,—with all its prudence, and it is very prudent, sagacious, courteous, right royal in spirit,—perhaps the most artless transparent piece of Public Speaking this Editor has ever studied.  Rude, massive, genuine; like a block of unbeaten gold.  A Speech not so fit for Drury Lane, as for Valhalla, and the Sanhedrin of the Gods.  The man himself, and the England he presided over, there and then, are to a singular degree visible in it; open to our eyes, to our sympathies.  He who would see Oliver, will find more of him here than in most of the history-books yet written about him.

“On the whole, the cursory modern Englishman cannot be expected to read this Speech:—and yet it is a pity; the Speech might do him good, if he understood it.  We shall not again hear a Supreme Governor talk in this strain: the dialect of it is very obsolete; much more than the grammar and diction, forever obsolete,—not to my regret the dialect of it.  But the spirit of it is a thing that should never have grown obsolete.  The spirit of it will have to revive itself again; and shine out in new dialect and vesture, in infinitely wider compass, wide as God’s known Universe now is,—if it please Heaven!  Since that spirit went obsolete, and men took to ‘dallying’ with the Highest, to ‘being bold’ with the Highest, and not ‘bold with men’ (only Belial, and not ‘Christ’ in any shape, assisting them), we have had but sorry times, in Parliament and out of it.  There has not been a Supreme Governor worth the meal upon his periwig, in comparison,—since this spirit fell obsolete.  How could there?  Belial is a desperately-bad sleeping-partner in any concern whatever!  Cant [the hypocritical use of pious speaking] did not ever yet, that I know of, turn ultimately to a good account, for any man or thing.  May the Devil swiftly be compelled to call-in large masses of our current stock in Cant, and withdraw it from circulation!  Let the people ‘run for gold,’ as the Chartists say; demand Veracity, Performance, instead of mealy-mouthed Speaking; and force him to recall his Cant.  Thank Heaven, stern Destiny, merciful were it even to death, does now compel them verily to ‘run for gold;’ Cant in all directions is swiftly ebbing into the Bank it was issued by.—”

Carlyle gives us the record of the Blessing of God upon Protestant England and His Curse upon Roman Catholic Spain after Oliver Cromwell’s epic speech:

“In this Parliament, different from the last, we trace a real desire for Settlement [a final settlement of the government and Parliament so desired by Cromwell].

“As the power of the Major-Generals, ‘in about two months hence,’ or three months hence, was, on hint of his Highness himself, to the Joy of Constitutional England, withdrawn, we may here close Part Ninth [of Carlyle's present volume IV of Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches].  Note first, however, as contemporary with this event, the glorious news we have from Blake and Montague at sea; who, in good hour, have at last got hold of a Spanish Fleet, and in a tragic manner burnt it, and taken endless sliver therein.  News of the fact comes in the beginning of October: in the beginning of November comes, as it were, the fact itself,—some Eight-and-thirty wagonloads of real silver: triumphantly jingling up from Portsmouth, across London pavements to the Tower, to be coined into current English money there.  The Antichrist King of Spain has lost Lima by an earthquake, and infinite silver there also.  Heaven’s vengeance seems awakening.  ‘Never,’ say the old Newspapers, ‘never was there a more terrible visible Hand of God in judgment upon any People, since the time of Sodom and Gomorrah!  Great is the Lord; marvellous are His doings, and to be had in reverence of all the Nations.’  England holds universal Thanksgiving Day; sees Eight-and thirty wagonloads of silver, sees hope of Settlement, sees Major-Generals abolished; and piously blesses Heaven.”

Thomas Carlyle, Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches With Elucidations, (London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1894), Vol. IV, pp. 222-223, 224.

End of Part 1


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