Charlie Sheen Hegelian Dialectic

Charlie Sheen Hegelian Dialectic

'Two and a Half Men' TV show-meltdown star

starts with a rant on the "Alex Jones Show" which includes idiotic style references to the term "Vatican Assassins" to attempt to ridicule the idea of Vatican terrorism

rant includes disparging remarcks against a producer of Sheen's popularized TV show which includes such deemed 'anti-semetic' [sic] anti-Jewish, and is hence fired, thereby promoting the idea that 'the jews run everything'

is followed by subsequent rants in subseqent interviews elsewhere - avoiding any need to mention "Alex Jones", "Vatican Assassins", let alone any coversation leading to what a google search should quickly reveal- the name of the "Vatican Assassins" author Eric Jon Phelps

is followed by Sheen's hyperabsorbed concentrated cocaine- sex parties, with his handelers bringing him together with larger numbers and amongst respectively of young prostitutes and reportedly 5 '8 Balls" (1/8th of an ounce) of the highly refined/concentrated form of the very same drug consumed safely and indirectly by millions of consumers of Coca leaf.

is followed by trash jesuitical yellow journalism, CONvincing the many that the evil is "cocaine" and "drugs" , with never a mention of their highly perverted forms encouraged by drug prohibition- masked by an intellectual deception revealable by replacing the word 'drugs' with 'foods' to demonically confuse-guilt people out while distracting them from the various questionable and poisonous additives to foods, as well as the reality of the 'drug war' as a dispicable con to cause countless lives and misery, for the sake of a lie designed to protect patent medicines, aka pharmaceutical concentrates (pills- instead of far bulkier and safer dilute liquids), and cigarettes- that political alliance represented by the mid 1900s cigarette ads featuring doctors bragging about the 'smoothness', appearing in medical journals. This was done as a form of criminal agrilcultural mercantilism to supress far better-safer-heathier substances, such as products made from Coca Leaf. Particulary notable is the jesuitical worsening of the situation by demonifying psychedelics upon realizing such promoted unhived rather then hived thought- the opposite of say flouride and alcohol, and confusing the reputation of cocaine in ways to popularize the hyperglycemic white power drugs, promoting more hedonistic useage, and distracting from the very real and multiple benifits of the Coca leaf.

Condemning "cocaine" rather than encouraging its use in concentrated forms, is like condemning 'caffeine' or nicotine' by the standard of only knowing them in isolated purified concentrated form- and shreading the U.S. Constitution, common sense, the Bible, and any basic sense of decency for the sake of trash jesuitical yellow journalism for the sake of protecting pharma and cigarettes- via such figures as Vatican tool William Randolf Hearst.

Note the virtual media black out on Bolivia's Evo Morale's campaign towards the righteous cause of re-legalizing the international trade in Coca.

Anyone opposing the Jesuit political hegemony and interested in the matter of the "drug war" should take a look at the fate of the bastard who gave us this continuing counter reformation pharmacratic-tobacco inquisition.

The drug war may well be the great deception written about in the Book of Revelations.


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