Agenda 21 and Thomas Jefferson

R.I.P, Boy Scouts of America
It’s a sad day for both Scouting and for freedom. Indeed, it’s a sad day for America. The century-old Boy Scouts of America (BSA) – created in 1910 to “prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes” – has betrayed its own constituency, mission, oath and law.
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Maryland County Passes ‘Second Amendment Preservation Resolution’
On the evening of May 22, 2013, the Board of Commissioners of Carroll County presented, debated and adopted a resolution known as the “Second Amendment Preservation Resolution”. This resolution, among other things, declared Carroll County as a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County”.
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Islamists Tell the Truth When They Think Western Eyes Aren’t Watching
MEMRI, which stands for the “Middle East Media Research Institute,” monitors Arab, Iranian, and Turkish media, schoolbooks, and sermons. MEMRI then translates them into English so we can know exactly what is being said in those cultures—unfettered by our gutless politicians and leftists media so punch-drunk on political correctness they feel the need to cover for those who wish us harm.
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Agenda 21 and Thomas Jefferson
Agenda 21 is a United Nations resolution and treaty that remains unratified by the United States Senate, and therefore is not a treaty we are required by the law of the land to conform to. The members of the liberal left ideology will claim, if they are familiar with it, that Agenda 21 is a mandate, or should be. The sinister realities of the program has been oozing out, however, so the name is currently being changed to “Future Earth” because the truth getting out has given the term “Agenda 21″ a negative connotation.
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Leave Syria to Syrians, Mr. McCain
On Memorial Day, Senator John McCain met with Gen. Salim Idris, chief of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army, and over a dozen al Qaeda rebel commanders.
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North American Federation: Secretary Napolitano, Canadian officials meet
The U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and several officials from Canada, including Denis Lebel, Transport, Infrastructure and Communities minister and Minister of Public Safety Vic Toews, on Thursday released what they termed the “first-ever joint United States-Canada Border Infrastructure Investment Plan (BIIP).”
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Tell Congress: Audit the IRS and Charge Members for their Crimes!
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Tell Congress: No Biometric Database, No National ID!
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Tell U.S. Senators: Do Not Confirm McCarthy to Head E.P.A.
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Watchman Video Broadcast 06-02-2013

Simple vinegar test 'cuts cervical cancer deaths by a third'

A simple vinegar test cut cervical cancer rates among Indian women by nearly a third and could prevent 73,000 deaths worldwide each year, the authors of a large-scale study have said.

NHS brings in new cervical cancer tests
More than 99 per cent of cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus Photo: ALAMY
Wealthy countries have managed to reduce such fatalities by 80 per cent thanks to the widespread use of regular Pap smears that can detect the disease at an early, treatable stage.
But it remains the leading cause of cancer death among women in India and many other developing countries lacking the money, doctors, nurses or laboratories for widespread screening.
The inexpensive vinegar test, which has a comparable accuracy to Pap smears, offers a solution to that problem.
A primary health care worker swabs the woman's cervix with vinegar, which causes pre-cancerous tumors to turn white. The results are known a minute later when a bright light is used to visually inspect the cervix.
Aside from the cost savings, the instantaneous results are a major advantage for women in rural areas who might otherwise have to travel for hours to see a doctor.
The test could also be useful in the United States, where 40 per cent of women do not get treatment following an abnormal Pap smear, said Electra Paskett, a gynecological cancer expert at Ohio State University.

"We have a problem with follow-up," she said.

"The thing in their program that was really wonderful is they assured follow-up - their completion rate was phenomenal."

The randomized study of 150,000 women living in Mumbai slums found that the vinegar test was able to reduce cervical cancer deaths by 31 per cent through early detection and treatment.

The 15-year study also found that the vinegar test sidesteps a common problem of overdiagnosis. The incidence of cervical cancer was essentially the same among the women who were screened every other year and those who were simply taught how to watch for warning signs.

"We hope our results will have a profound effect in reducing the burden of cervical cancer in India and around the world," said lead study author Surendra Srinivas Shastri, a professor of preventive oncology at Mumbai's Tata Memorial Hospital.

"This is the first trial to identify a cervical cancer screening strategy that reduces mortality and is feasible to implement on a broad scale throughout India and in other developing countries."

Edited by Bonnie Malkin for 

Dirty Business of the Catholic Church: Selling indulgences to amass deceitful gains

The Catholic Church finds a business out of anything. Even so-called "salvation"! After all, it is how they have amassed profits throughout history. You see, in 2009 ex-Pope Benedict XVI announced that his faithful can once again pay the Catholic Church to so-called "ease their way through Purgatory" and into the Gates of Heaven.

Lies, lies, lies. Completely contradictory to what is written in the bible in Ephesians 1:3-5 where it clearly states that the children of God were already predestined BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH. Later the same chapter states that this is a GIFT of God - that's right, a gift and not a work of our own - so that no man can boast.

But in their disobedience to the gospel of Grace that is in place, for the criminal Catholic Church Plenary Indulgences are back. The New York Times reported that even though the Catholic church officially broke with the age-old practice -- you do something good, and the Church will help absolve you -- in 1960, the Pope has quietly reintroduced it. The Catholic Church had technically banned the practice of selling indulgences as long ago as 1567.

As the Times points out, a monetary donation wouldn't go amiss toward earning an indulgence. It writes, "charitable contributions, combined with other acts, can help you earn one." You can even buy indulgences this way for loved ones who are already dead, greasing their way to Heaven by doing something for the Catholic Church here on Earth.
Why would the Catholic Church agree to this reversal? It wouldn't be the harsh economy, would it, or the church's fading influence? Not at all, says a Brooklyn bishop. "Because there is sin in the world," he told the newspaper. 
There you have it. Yet another lie. The Man Christ Jesus has clearly reminded the world what is written and that is that there is no more sin! How can there be any sin if that is the reason why he died on the cross - took take sin away once and forever!

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Don't Agree With Your Doctor's Vaccine Advice? Keep It To Yourself, Or Big Brother Will Know

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You Sound Off!

The Leftist Media, John McCain And An Oregon Man

Commenting on Why Is The Leftist Media Going After The IRS Victims?,
A.M. F says:
May 31, 2013 at 10:02 a.m.
I would bet it's motivated by the egg smears on the faces of the Leftist Media! They will never admit they were back-stabbed and humilitated for all the years and BS of kissing-up to this administration. BUT we know were conned, manipulated, disgraced and discredited.

Commenting on Reports: McCain Hung With Terrorists, Kidnappers,
Average_Joe56 says:
May 31, 2013 at 6:15 a.m.
"Reports: McCain *Hung* With Terrorists, Kidnappers In Syria"
If only...
A man can dream...right? ;)

Commenting on Oregon Man Fires Warning Shot At Felon Attempting To Break Into Home, Gets Hauled To Jail,
JimH says:
May 30, 2013 at 3:23 p.m.
If he had fired the Joe Biden double barrel shotgun into the air, instead of one of those evil AR-15's into the ground, he would have been OK.
Or he could have waited until Mr. Kinsella was in the house and put one into his forehead.
No one was hurt and Mt Thompson is in more trouble than the burglar.
What's wrong with this picture?
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War On Terror - Instrument To Implement A Socialist Dictatorship


Islamic Terrorism: Why Is It So Hard For Liberals to Just Say It?