Vision to America



Ron Paul's original staff economist, Dr. Gary North!

Saturday, December 8, 2012
WEEK IN REVIEW: The top stories of the week

Home Prices Will Fall Through Next June, Minimum
Over half of American homes will drop in price between now and next June. That is the conclusion of an article on CNN. This has to do with the fiscal cliff, we are told. The fiscal cliff will produce a recession. The question is this: Why won’t we get a recession anyway? The signs are... READ MORE

More Homeowners Over 50 Are Defaulting on Their Mortgages
A community college in Pennsylvania has turned 400 full-time teachers into part-timers. It will save $6 million in ObamaCare expenses. They had no medical insurance before, but they had full-time jobs. Now they will have neither. All across America, businesses will be imitating this school. Marginal workers will be fired or turned into part-timers. ObamaCare... READ MORE

Vacant Homes: 14 Million (Early 2009), 14 Million (2012)
Has housing bottomed? No. In early 2009, there were 14 million empty houses in the United States, for whatever reason. In October 2009, there were 18.8 million. In 2011, there were 18.4 million. Today, there are 14 million. In other words, we are back to the level of early 2009. That was a recession year.... READ MORE

Santa’s Greatest Gift: Online Price Wars
The free market is making available low-cost Christmas gifts. Here is an example: a video game that went from $50 to $15 in 7 days. A price war broke out. Amazon drove down the price. Walmart and Target followed suit. It pays to shop online. It pays to wait to buy presents. There is no... READ MORE

Suckers Line Up to Lend to the U.S. Government at 0.1%
People and institutions still lend money for 90 days to the U.S. government in order to earn a tenth of one percent per year interest. They trust the government. Yet the fiscal cliff charade goes on. The U.S. government cannot pay its bills without borrowing more money. The whole world knows this. But the “smart... READ MORE

Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Ben Crystal December 8, 2012
Bringing Home The BaconBringing Home The Bacon »
Bob clears it up for O.J. Picture this, Mr. President. And Ms. Watson wants more pork for the Motor City. All this, plus, they have Grammys for that? Presented in 1080 hi-def, FOR FREE! It's The Great Eight, from the Personal Liberty Digest™More »

Personal Liberty News

Trying To Secede? Don’t Waste Your Time Trying To Secede? Don’t Waste Your Time »
I don’t know who thought of the scheme that allows citizens to petition the Federal government to allow their State to withdraw from the Union. But whoever it was sure came up with a dandy way to get a lot of good patriots spinning their wheels. More »

1st Amendment Does Not Guarantee Freedom From Religion 1st Amendment Does Not Guarantee Freedom From Religion »
A North Carolina first grader was asked to write a poem for her school’s Veteran’s Day program. About her grandfather, she wrote: “He prayed to God for peace, he prayed to God for strength.” A parent objected to the use of the word “God,” so administrators banned the girl from reading her poem in the program. More »

The Fiscal Cliff Is A Mirage, But A Real Cliff Is Ahead The Fiscal Cliff Is A Mirage, But A Real Cliff Is Ahead »
Don’t worry over the so-called fiscal cliff. The cliff you need to worry about is the one we are barreling toward regardless of how the fiscal cliff negotiations turn out. It’s the hyperinflation cliff. More »

Before The Body Goes Cold Before The Body Goes Cold »
While Jovan Belcher’s final act appalls me, that revulsion is nothing compared to how I feel about the ghouls who jumped on the situation in order to push political ideologies. Writing for FOX Sports, Jason Whitlock managed to turn the orphaning of a 3-month-old into a bizarre rant against the 2nd Amendment. More »

The Gun Did It The Gun Did It »
Jovan Belcher didn’t kill Kasandra Perkins and himself. The gun did it. Daily abuse of alcohol and painkillers didn’t contribute to Jovan Belcher’s murderous and suicidal rampage. The gun did it. The effects of too many blows to the head suffered by his choice of profession didn’t have anything to do with it either. The gun did it.  More »

It’s Time For The GOP To Sacrifice Warren Buffett And The Billionaires It’s Time For The GOP To Sacrifice Warren Buffett And The Billionaires »
We don't have a tax problem in America; we have a spending and entitlements problem. If I were in the GOP Congressional leadership, I'd never vote for a tax increase on anyone. Let Barack Obama pass a tax increase that sends the economy off the cliff by himself, then he can take the full blame. More »

Clash Daily

Yeah Baby Alert: Zimmerman Sues NBC for Their Pro-Trayvon Lying/Smear Campaign Against Him.
Zimmerman Sues NBC for Their Pro-Trayvon Lying/Smear Campaign Against Him. George Zimmerman sued NBC on Thursday, claiming he was defamed when the network edited his 911 call to police after the shooting of Trayvon Martin to make it sound like he was racist. The former neighborhood watch volunteer filed ... READ MORE
Bacon Bailout Nation! Should America Support Detroit’s Demand to Obama?Bacon Bailout Nation! Should America Support Detroit’s Demand to Obama? By Kevin Fobbs Clash Daily Guest Contributor Should America pay for Obama bailout bacon to erase Detroit’s $200 plus million deficits? That is the clear course of action that city leaders like City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson is ... READ MORE

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Oops! Atheists' icon not one of them

God-haters ... humanists ... atheists ... Christophobes ... take note: You've been punked!
A filmmaker willing to question history has snatched away one of atheism's biggest cultural icons and reveals a life marked by a spiritual quest resting on a Christian foundation. Imagine that!
It's time for atheists to change their tune ...
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Before the presidential election, WND commissioned a scientific poll to find out what Muslim-Americans really think – and how it might affect their votes.
The results were eye-opening and alarming. They should be to every American who believes in the U.S. Constitution and Judeo-Christian morality.
Now there's another poll that confirms WND's findings ... to the chagrin, no doubt, of the group that commissioned it ...
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New York Daily News

Today's Top Stories
Saturday, December 08, 2012

The halls of the White House get seriously decked out! Check out these First Families and towering Christmas trees that have filled the White House over the years for the holiday season ...
Tiny Doreen Winkler miraculously helped yank two men from the path of an oncoming subway train after things went bad for a good Samaritan in the Bowling Green subway station.
President Obama on Friday proposed $60.4 billion in federal aid to help storm-battered New York and New Jersey recover and rebuild from superstorm Sandy.The package is short of the $82 billion that both states had requested, but it’s better than the $50 billion package that the White House suggested the President might propose.
Fatburger is aiming to throw its weight around New York City, setting up its first shop here this spring in Manhattan's Murry Hill section and opening a total of 10 restaurants in the next few years.

This is democracy? Egypt bans protests outside presidential palace as Islamists and secularists wage bloody street battle
Teachers did this?! Blind 6-year-old boy dragged through school by ankles, teachers face charges
Toddler born with liver, intestines OUTSIDE her body leaves hospital after 850 days
Missouri couple's dog brings home bizarre find - an alligator's head
'He attacked me first': Fiend suspected of shoving straphanger in front of oncoming train charged with murder, but blames victim
Billionaire grocer mulls mayoral run


Jurors split on sexual assault trial of Hasidic counselor
Alaska serial killer
Twins buried a man in concrete, stole his card collection
Cops seek subway rub creep
Lawyer: McAfee better, hopes to stay in Guatemala
Two detained in French terror probe released

Editors Picks  
In Miami, the party is a work of art
Miami is putting the “art” in party. The biggest soap opera in town revolves around 26-year-old art dealer Vito Schnabel.
Obama makes good
President Obama came through for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut by committing to ask Congress for $60.4 billion in superstorm Sandy relief funding.
A very unhappy birthday
There was joyous celebration in Gaza on Friday as the long-exiled leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, entered the territory for the first time as Palestinians marked the terror group’s 25th anniversary.
Dec. 8: Christmas shows, MTA fare hearings and subway survival
Manhattan: We agree with “No-show nobodies” (editorial, Dec. 2) that Metropolitan Transportation Authority board members should hear in person from riders who take the time to testify on the proposed fare increases.
Billionaire grocer mulls mayoral run
IF MTA Chairman Joe Lhota wants to be mayor, he may have to take on a billionaire first.
Mighty Quinn: December 8
The quote of the week comes from Eric Hartsburg of Michigan City, Ind., who had the Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan campaign logo (red-and-blue “R”) tattooed onto his face “to make politics fun” and now says it’s time for it to come off. Hartsburg says a Republican supporter paid him $15,000 to get the tattoo and keep it until at least the election was over:

BREAKING UPDATE: Approaching Unidentified Object!

Pastor Mike Online 12-06-12, Waiting on God, Tattoos, Mystery Babylon, a...

White House To Host Rapper Who Wants US Troops & Families Murdered

Mediaite has the story:
It has recently been unearthed in the states, however, that eight years ago, long before achieving this massive stardom, the mega-star rapped about “slowly and painfully” killing American military members and their families.
Some context: since becoming a democracy in the late 80s, South Korea has developed a rich, sometimes over-the-top, tradition of protest. Swarms of Koreans hit the streets to protest everything from free trade agreements to North Korea to Muslim extremism to American troops stationed on their peninsula.
During a 2002 protest concert against the presence of 37,000 American troops in Korea, PSY took the stage in gold face-paint and, with the crowd egging him on, lifted a miniature “American tank” and smashed it on the ground to massive applause. UPDATE:
The performance was inspired by the recent death of two Korean school girls who were run over by an American tank in South Korea. The soldiers driving the tank were acquitted by a US military court.
Later in 2004, Islamists in Iraq captured a Korean missionary and made demands of South Korea to not send troops to aid the Americans in the war in Iraq. South Korea refused, sending troops and the missionary was beheaded.

People took to the streets to protest both the Muslims and U.S. military for what happened to the missionary. Part of those protests was a live performance by several popular Korean musicians, including PSY. As they performed a Korean rock bands song “Dear American,” PSY began to rap:
Kill those fucking Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those fucking Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully
While there is no doubt that there have been rappers such as Ice-T who years ago would rap about things like killing cops, but has portrayed policemen in films and on television, never actually having engaged in the activity of it himself. In fact, he claims that his rapping was from the perspective of another man, not himself.

However, rapper “Common” was invited in 2011 to the White House. This guy openly called for the assassination of former President George W. Bush and gave praise to convicted cop killer and Black Panther Assata Shakur. Eminem and Chris Brown both have not only openly rapped about violence against women, but have also engaged in it.

The question comes, why in the world would the leader of the free world invite such people as guests in the People’s house? Granted PSY seems to have changed his tune a bit since gaining international fame and garnering the support of many Americans for his recent tune and one can understand his being upset with things that took place in his own country, but to come out and openly sing about slowly torturing and killing troops and their families is something he should be called on and until there is some sort of a change of heart, this man should not be invited to the White House. I suppose it is par for the course for the man who has entertained the likes of convicted domestic terrorists such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, along with leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and various Communists and Socialists at home and from around the world.

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