Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Ben Crystal December 8, 2012
Bringing Home The BaconBringing Home The Bacon »
Bob clears it up for O.J. Picture this, Mr. President. And Ms. Watson wants more pork for the Motor City. All this, plus, they have Grammys for that? Presented in 1080 hi-def, FOR FREE! It's The Great Eight, from the Personal Liberty Digest™More »

Personal Liberty News

Trying To Secede? Don’t Waste Your Time Trying To Secede? Don’t Waste Your Time »
I don’t know who thought of the scheme that allows citizens to petition the Federal government to allow their State to withdraw from the Union. But whoever it was sure came up with a dandy way to get a lot of good patriots spinning their wheels. More »

1st Amendment Does Not Guarantee Freedom From Religion 1st Amendment Does Not Guarantee Freedom From Religion »
A North Carolina first grader was asked to write a poem for her school’s Veteran’s Day program. About her grandfather, she wrote: “He prayed to God for peace, he prayed to God for strength.” A parent objected to the use of the word “God,” so administrators banned the girl from reading her poem in the program. More »

The Fiscal Cliff Is A Mirage, But A Real Cliff Is Ahead The Fiscal Cliff Is A Mirage, But A Real Cliff Is Ahead »
Don’t worry over the so-called fiscal cliff. The cliff you need to worry about is the one we are barreling toward regardless of how the fiscal cliff negotiations turn out. It’s the hyperinflation cliff. More »

Before The Body Goes Cold Before The Body Goes Cold »
While Jovan Belcher’s final act appalls me, that revulsion is nothing compared to how I feel about the ghouls who jumped on the situation in order to push political ideologies. Writing for FOX Sports, Jason Whitlock managed to turn the orphaning of a 3-month-old into a bizarre rant against the 2nd Amendment. More »

The Gun Did It The Gun Did It »
Jovan Belcher didn’t kill Kasandra Perkins and himself. The gun did it. Daily abuse of alcohol and painkillers didn’t contribute to Jovan Belcher’s murderous and suicidal rampage. The gun did it. The effects of too many blows to the head suffered by his choice of profession didn’t have anything to do with it either. The gun did it.  More »

It’s Time For The GOP To Sacrifice Warren Buffett And The Billionaires It’s Time For The GOP To Sacrifice Warren Buffett And The Billionaires »
We don't have a tax problem in America; we have a spending and entitlements problem. If I were in the GOP Congressional leadership, I'd never vote for a tax increase on anyone. Let Barack Obama pass a tax increase that sends the economy off the cliff by himself, then he can take the full blame. More »

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