White House To Host Rapper Who Wants US Troops & Families Murdered

Mediaite has the story:
It has recently been unearthed in the states, however, that eight years ago, long before achieving this massive stardom, the mega-star rapped about “slowly and painfully” killing American military members and their families.
Some context: since becoming a democracy in the late 80s, South Korea has developed a rich, sometimes over-the-top, tradition of protest. Swarms of Koreans hit the streets to protest everything from free trade agreements to North Korea to Muslim extremism to American troops stationed on their peninsula.
During a 2002 protest concert against the presence of 37,000 American troops in Korea, PSY took the stage in gold face-paint and, with the crowd egging him on, lifted a miniature “American tank” and smashed it on the ground to massive applause. UPDATE:
The performance was inspired by the recent death of two Korean school girls who were run over by an American tank in South Korea. The soldiers driving the tank were acquitted by a US military court.
Later in 2004, Islamists in Iraq captured a Korean missionary and made demands of South Korea to not send troops to aid the Americans in the war in Iraq. South Korea refused, sending troops and the missionary was beheaded.

People took to the streets to protest both the Muslims and U.S. military for what happened to the missionary. Part of those protests was a live performance by several popular Korean musicians, including PSY. As they performed a Korean rock bands song “Dear American,” PSY began to rap:
Kill those fucking Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those fucking Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully
While there is no doubt that there have been rappers such as Ice-T who years ago would rap about things like killing cops, but has portrayed policemen in films and on television, never actually having engaged in the activity of it himself. In fact, he claims that his rapping was from the perspective of another man, not himself.

However, rapper “Common” was invited in 2011 to the White House. This guy openly called for the assassination of former President George W. Bush and gave praise to convicted cop killer and Black Panther Assata Shakur. Eminem and Chris Brown both have not only openly rapped about violence against women, but have also engaged in it.

The question comes, why in the world would the leader of the free world invite such people as guests in the People’s house? Granted PSY seems to have changed his tune a bit since gaining international fame and garnering the support of many Americans for his recent tune and one can understand his being upset with things that took place in his own country, but to come out and openly sing about slowly torturing and killing troops and their families is something he should be called on and until there is some sort of a change of heart, this man should not be invited to the White House. I suppose it is par for the course for the man who has entertained the likes of convicted domestic terrorists such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, along with leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and various Communists and Socialists at home and from around the world.

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