Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Wayne Allyn Root December 6, 2012
It’s Time For The GOP To Sacrifice Warren Buffett And The Billionaires It’s Time For The GOP To Sacrifice Warren Buffett And The Billionaires »
We don't have a tax problem in America; we have a spending and entitlements problem. If I were in the GOP Congressional leadership, I'd never vote for a tax increase on anyone. Let Barack Obama pass a tax increase that sends the economy off the cliff by himself, then he can take the full blame. More »

Outside The Asylum

Get Out Of The Zone Get Out Of The Zone »
Faced with the attempted armed robbery of the AutoZone store where he worked, Air Force veteran Devin McLean ran to his truck, retrieved his firearm and sent the would-be assailant scrambling for cover. Instead of accolades for bravery, he received a pink slip for violating corporate policy. More »

Personal Liberty News

DHS Grants Not Making Anyone Safer DHS Grants Not Making Anyone Safer »
In a new report, Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) points out that America’s burgeoning homeland security apparatus is undermining the safety of the Nation with wasteful spending while robbing citizens of precious individual liberty. More »

America In Danger Of Downward Mobile Status America In Danger Of Downward Mobile Status »
Due to a growing number of Americans opting to forgo advanced education degrees because of skyrocketing college costs and diminishing job markets, some education experts say the Nation is in danger of becoming a place where downward mobility is the social norm. More »

Mistletoe May Help Treat Colon Cancer Mistletoe May Help Treat Colon Cancer »
Extract of mistletoe could either assist chemotherapy or act as an alternative to chemotherapy as a treatment for colon cancer, researchers in Australia said. More »

IMF: Spending Cuts Slow Growth More Than Tax Hikes IMF: Spending Cuts Slow Growth More Than Tax Hikes »
A new study conducted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) takes into account decades of economic data about the world’s industrialized nations to examine how changes in government spending affects economic output. More »

Power Of The State

Police Shoot Puppy, Ticket Owner Because It Wasn’t Leashed

A 7-month-old miniature bull terrier standing beside his owner in front of the owner’s gated home was deemed such a threat that a Chicago police officer felt the need to shoot it twice on a busy street.

Al Phillips said he saw police officers writing a parking ticket for his van and went outside to move it. The puppy, named Colonel Phillips and known to the neighborhood as “The Colonel,” followed Phillips out the gate.

“Then all I hear is boom! Boom! Two shots. You shot the dog!” Phillips told Fox 32 News.

 More »

Zionica News

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Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Senate Unanimously Passes 2013 NDAA; Power To Arrest Americans Remains

Senate Unanimously Passes 2013 NDAA; Power To Arrest Americans Remains CURATOR: John Rolls. Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. / The New American Just after 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, the Senate did it again. By a vote of 98-0 (two senators abstained) lawmakers in the upper chamber approved the Fiscal Year 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Not a single senator objected to the passage once...


New Drones Can Fly Into Your House! DARPA Unveils New Super-Snoop Machine (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. Just what 'they' need, a new DARPA drone that can fly through doors and windows and right into your house. It must not be enough that 'they' can already spy upon you via your emails, phone conversations, text messages and who knows what else, now they want to get into...


Thousands Of US Troops Arrive Near Syrian Shore On USS Eisenhower

Thousands Of US Troops Arrive Near Syrian Shore On USS Eisenhower CONTRIBUTOR: Ophelia Océane. The USS Eisenhower, an American aircraft carrier that holds eight fighter bomber squadrons and 8,000 men, arrived at the Syrian coast yesterday in the midst of a heavy storm, indicating US preparation for a potential ground intervention. While the Obama administration has not announced any sort of American-led military...


Fear and Loathing in Belize: John McAfee Gets New Suit, Prepares Legal Defense (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: 21st Century Wire. 21st Century Wire LATEST FROM THE JUNGLE: Yesterday, December 4, VICE broke the news that anti-virus mogul and “person of interest” in a Belizean murder case John McAfee has retained the services of high-power attorney Telésforo Guerra after fleeing to Guatemala. Later that afternoon, John and his lawyer held...


Obama purges US military command (Part 2)

Obama purges US military command (Part 2) CONTRIBUTOR: Fellowship of the Minds. This is a follow-up of my post of yesterday, “Obama purges U.S. military command (Part 1).” U.S. Air Force In 2011, 157 U.S. Air Force officers were fired on the eve of their retirement, to avoid paying their pensions. Joshua Flynn-Brown and Kyndra Miller Rotunda write in The Wall Street...


Syria's Bombs Full of Nerve Gas Are Locked and Loaded New Video Coverage (video)

Syria's Bombs Full of Nerve Gas Are Locked and Loaded  New Video Coverage CURATOR: Josey Wales. Bad news: Syria has filled several aerial bombs with the deadly nerve gas sarin and is ready to drop them onto its own people as soon as President Bashar al-Assad gives the word. Syrian forces have mixed chemical weapons and loaded them into bombs in preparation for possible use on...


Space Agency: Phobos Is Artificial

Space Agency: Phobos Is Artificial CONTRIBUTOR: Terrence Aym. Join my Twitter feed | Like my Facebook page The prestigious European Space Agency has declared Phobos, the mysterious Martian moon, to be artifical. At least one-third of it is hollow and it's origin is not natural, but alien in nature. The ESA is Europe's counterpart to NASA. Could this...


NSA Has Every Email You Ever Sent In Bluffdale Ut Data Center Video - Blatant Violation Of Privacy (video)

NSA Has Every Email You Ever Sent In Bluffdale Ut Data Center   Video - Blatant Violation Of Privacy CURATOR: Josey Wales. NSA Utah ‘Data Center’: Biggest-ever Domestic Spying Lab. Bluffdale Ut The Facts finally come to light… NSA Whistleblower William Binney (Former National Security Agency Official) claims the NSA is collecting data on every American, and the program has been going on for over a decade. Since 9/11, this program of...


Bombshell: Arpaio Goes After Obama Docs (video)

Bombshell: Arpaio Goes After Obama Docs CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala. Arpaio tells the truth about the Obama birther coverup. Aaron Resolved Question Show me another » Anyone else heard about this? Barak Hussein Obama may be the antichrist? The clues that I have read are very interesting. OK here are the antichrist characteristics compared with Obama: 1. The beast (antichrist)...


Scum Villages Introduced In Europe, Forced Living In Containers For Undesirables

Scum Villages Introduced In Europe, Forced Living In Containers For Undesirables CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish . Posted by Brianna Panzica - The Wealth Wire Annoying neighbors have come to be recognized as a part of living in a community. No one wants them, but many people have them. In fact, they're such a relatable part of society that they've become a staple in comedies. Take Newman...



CURATOR: John Rolls



CURATOR: Mort Amsel

CURATOR: John Rolls




Obama Quietly Funnels BILLIONS To UN For ‘Global Warming’

by NTEB News Desk

Hello, I am Senator Jim Inhofe, Republican Senator from Oklahoma, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, and chief critic of President Obama’s far left green agenda
While all of the attention today in Washington is on the looming fiscal cliff, President Obama’s administration is quietly handing over billions of dollars to the United Nations in the name of global warming.
Over the past decade, I have been leading the charge in Washington to make sure the global warming hoax is exposed. A big part of that effort has been putting the spotlight on what takes place at the UN’s annual global warming conferences. While I have been unable to travel to the last few conferences, I have counted on groups like CFACT to provide “on the ground” reports. This year’s UN conference is in Doha, Qatar and I’m pleased that Lord Christopher Monckton is there working with his partners, including CFACT Executive Director Craig Rucker and Marc Morano of I’m certainly looking forward to the release of Climate Depot’s new report that debunks the alarmists’ extreme weather claims.
Obama Gives Billions To UN For Global Warming Climate Change
Obama Gives Billions To UN For Global Warming Climate Change
The last time I attended a global warming conference was in 2009, when I spent only three hours at their gathering in Copenhagen. I arrived just after President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Senator Kerry promised world leaders that the United States would act on cap-and-trade. I was in Copenhagen as a one-man truth squad: I said that the United States Senate would never ratify the Kyoto treaty or pass cap-and-trade. I was right, and now even the liberal media is admitting that these conferences are pointless. As Der Spiegel put it, the conference in Doha is “turning into a farce.” The UK Guardian said that “Doha is a byword for stalemate and failure” and theNew York Times reported that after the failure of the Rio+20 conference held in June, “more and more people may be ignoring these global confabs.”
It’s not surprising that this year’s conference has been ignored. Remember EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson admitted to me that EPA’s global warming regulations are based primarily on the now exposed Climategate science of the completely discredited UN IPCC. The Atlantic Monthly said of Climategate "the stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering." And the UK Telegraph wrote that “This is the worst scientific scandal of our generation."
Of course, the focus of this year’s global warming conference – like all the conferences before – is not the environment. It’s about one thing: spreading the wealth around. As the Associated Press reported, “one of the main challenges will be raising climate aid for poor countries at a time when budgets are strained by financial turmoil.”
Three years ago, President Obama helped create a United Nations Green Slush Fund that would redistribute over $100 billion from developed countries to developing countries. While he has been racking up huge deficits and talking up tax increases, the President has already sent billions of American taxpayer dollars to the United Nations – and he’s managed to do it quietly so that no one will notice.
How many billions have already been handed over in the last three years? It’s hard to tell. There appears to be little in the way of transparency. Bloomberg reports that the European Union, the United States, Japan and other developed nations paid out in the range of $23 to $34 billion.
Of course, this is just the beginning. United Nations Climate Chief Christiana Figueres explained her job this way: “It is the most inspiring job in the world because what we are doing here is we are inspiring government, private sector, and civil society to [make] the biggest transformation that they have ever undertaken. The Industrial Revolution was also a transformation, but it wasn't a guided transformation from a centralized policy perspective. This is a centralized transformation that is taking place because governments have decided that they need to listen to science. So it's a very, very different transformation and one that is going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different.” This is the top UN Climate chief: she sees herself as the overseer of “transforming” the lives of everyone on the planet.
At the global warming conference in Milan, I asked an African delegate who I knew why he had attended and he said, “It has nothing to do with the science; it’s because it’s the biggest party of the year.” It’s time to put an end to these lavish, absurd global warming parties and focus on the real problems that we face.
In the meantime, I am thankful that groups like CFACT are willing and able to expose this farce for what it is. Your work is critical. But as long as you are there, make sure you enjoy some of the party. Remember, the worst crisis that happened in Copenhagen was that they ran out of caviar, so get some before it’s gone! source - US

The Conservative Byte

December 6, 2012
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines: Today's Featured Article:
DOD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
(Click to Enlarge)
The Last Temptation

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American Vision News

Vision to America

SPLC: Hatewatch Headlines for December 6, 2012

Hatewatch is a weekly summary of the latest news about hate and extremism compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Week of December 6, 2012

Hatewatch Blog

Hatewatch Headlines
MS 1 More Guilty of Hate Crime in Miss. Rundown Case
Magic Valley Times-News | Dec. 5, 2012

NY Westbury Menorah Vandalism Probed as Hate Crime
Long Island Press | Dec. 3, 2012


Ron Paul's original staff economist, Dr. Gary North!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Free Rent in Your State: Check the Statistics
Home owners who cannot afford their mortgage payments can get free rent. They just stop paying. It’s painless. How long can they get away with this before the lender can foreclose. In most states, at least a year. In New York, three years. You can save up a lot of money if you have three... READ MORE

Home Prices Will Fall Through Next June, Minimum
Over half of American homes will drop in price between now and next June. That is the conclusion of an article on CNN. This has to do with the fiscal cliff, we are told. The fiscal cliff will produce a recession. The question is this: Why won’t we get a recession anyway? The signs are... READ MORE

Tea Party 2 Will Dwarf Tea Party 1 — Norquist
Grover Norquist, the much-hated guru of lower taxes, has said we are not going to see a budget deal this year. I have said the same thing. This is good news for the Tea Party, Norquist says. The outrage at higher taxes that will hit the middle class next year will drive people into the... READ MORE

Taxing People on What They Give to Charity
One proposal to raise revenues is to eliminate or reduce the deduction for charity. This will hit the rich. If you are in the 35% tax bracket, and you give away $100,000, you save $35,000 in taxes. Some Democrats want to reduce this to $28,000. Others want to cap gifts at $50,000. This means that... READ MORE