by NTEB News Desk
I am Senator Jim Inhofe, Republican Senator from Oklahoma, Ranking
Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, and
chief critic of President Obama’s far left green agenda
all of the attention today in Washington is on the looming fiscal
cliff, President Obama’s administration is quietly handing over billions
of dollars to the United Nations in the name of global warming.
the past decade, I have been leading the charge in Washington to make
sure the global warming hoax is exposed. A big part of that effort has
been putting the spotlight on what takes place at the UN’s annual global
warming conferences. While I have been unable to travel to the last few
conferences, I have counted on groups like CFACT to provide “on the
ground” reports. This year’s UN conference is in Doha, Qatar and I’m
pleased that Lord Christopher Monckton is there working with his
partners, including CFACT Executive Director Craig Rucker and Marc
Morano of I’m certainly looking forward to the release
of Climate Depot’s new report that debunks the alarmists’ extreme
weather claims.
last time I attended a global warming conference was in 2009, when I
spent only three hours at their gathering in Copenhagen. I arrived just
after President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Senator Kerry promised
world leaders that the United States would act on cap-and-trade. I was
in Copenhagen as a one-man truth squad: I said that the United States
Senate would never ratify the Kyoto treaty or pass cap-and-trade. I was
right, and now even the liberal media is admitting that these
conferences are pointless. As Der Spiegel put it, the conference in Doha
is “turning into a farce.” The UK Guardian said that “Doha is a byword
for stalemate and failure” and theNew York Times reported that after the
failure of the Rio+20 conference held in June, “more and more people
may be ignoring these global confabs.”
not surprising that this year’s conference has been ignored. Remember
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson admitted to me that EPA’s global warming
regulations are based primarily on the now exposed Climategate science
of the completely discredited UN IPCC. The Atlantic Monthly said of
Climategate "the stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering." And
the UK Telegraph wrote that “This is the worst scientific scandal of our
course, the focus of this year’s global warming conference – like all
the conferences before – is not the environment. It’s about one thing:
spreading the wealth around. As the Associated Press reported, “one of
the main challenges will be raising climate aid for poor countries at a
time when budgets are strained by financial turmoil.”
years ago, President Obama helped create a United Nations Green Slush
Fund that would redistribute over $100 billion from developed countries
to developing countries. While he has been racking up huge deficits and
talking up tax increases, the President has already sent billions of
American taxpayer dollars to the United Nations – and he’s managed to do
it quietly so that no one will notice.
How many billions have already been handed over in the last three years? It’s hard to tell. There appears to be little in the way of transparency. Bloomberg reports that the European Union, the United States, Japan and other developed nations paid out in the range of $23 to $34 billion.
course, this is just the beginning. United Nations Climate Chief
Christiana Figueres explained her job this way: “It is the most
inspiring job in the world because what we are doing here is we are
inspiring government, private sector, and civil society to [make] the
biggest transformation that they have ever undertaken. The Industrial
Revolution was also a transformation, but it wasn't a guided
transformation from a centralized policy perspective. This is a
centralized transformation that is taking place because governments have
decided that they need to listen to science. So it's a very, very
different transformation and one that is going to make the life of
everyone on the planet very different.” This is the top UN Climate
chief: she sees herself as the overseer of “transforming” the lives of
everyone on the planet.
the global warming conference in Milan, I asked an African delegate who
I knew why he had attended and he said, “It has nothing to do with the
science; it’s because it’s the biggest party of the year.” It’s time to
put an end to these lavish, absurd global warming parties and focus on
the real problems that we face.
the meantime, I am thankful that groups like CFACT are willing and able
to expose this farce for what it is. Your work is critical. But as long
as you are there, make sure you enjoy some of the party. Remember, the
worst crisis that happened in Copenhagen was that they ran out of
caviar, so get some before it’s gone! source - US
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