Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Wayne Allyn Root December 6, 2012
It’s Time For The GOP To Sacrifice Warren Buffett And The Billionaires It’s Time For The GOP To Sacrifice Warren Buffett And The Billionaires »
We don't have a tax problem in America; we have a spending and entitlements problem. If I were in the GOP Congressional leadership, I'd never vote for a tax increase on anyone. Let Barack Obama pass a tax increase that sends the economy off the cliff by himself, then he can take the full blame. More »

Outside The Asylum

Get Out Of The Zone Get Out Of The Zone »
Faced with the attempted armed robbery of the AutoZone store where he worked, Air Force veteran Devin McLean ran to his truck, retrieved his firearm and sent the would-be assailant scrambling for cover. Instead of accolades for bravery, he received a pink slip for violating corporate policy. More »

Personal Liberty News

DHS Grants Not Making Anyone Safer DHS Grants Not Making Anyone Safer »
In a new report, Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) points out that America’s burgeoning homeland security apparatus is undermining the safety of the Nation with wasteful spending while robbing citizens of precious individual liberty. More »

America In Danger Of Downward Mobile Status America In Danger Of Downward Mobile Status »
Due to a growing number of Americans opting to forgo advanced education degrees because of skyrocketing college costs and diminishing job markets, some education experts say the Nation is in danger of becoming a place where downward mobility is the social norm. More »

Mistletoe May Help Treat Colon Cancer Mistletoe May Help Treat Colon Cancer »
Extract of mistletoe could either assist chemotherapy or act as an alternative to chemotherapy as a treatment for colon cancer, researchers in Australia said. More »

IMF: Spending Cuts Slow Growth More Than Tax Hikes IMF: Spending Cuts Slow Growth More Than Tax Hikes »
A new study conducted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) takes into account decades of economic data about the world’s industrialized nations to examine how changes in government spending affects economic output. More »

Power Of The State

Police Shoot Puppy, Ticket Owner Because It Wasn’t Leashed

A 7-month-old miniature bull terrier standing beside his owner in front of the owner’s gated home was deemed such a threat that a Chicago police officer felt the need to shoot it twice on a busy street.

Al Phillips said he saw police officers writing a parking ticket for his van and went outside to move it. The puppy, named Colonel Phillips and known to the neighborhood as “The Colonel,” followed Phillips out the gate.

“Then all I hear is boom! Boom! Two shots. You shot the dog!” Phillips told Fox 32 News.

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