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Time To Step Up For Ron Paul


Time To Step Up For Ron Paul
Ron Paul is a more attractive candidate to independents and moderates than Mitt Romney.
With Rick Santorum (faux conservative-Pa.) officially “suspending” his campaign and Newt Gingrich (corporatist adulterer-Ga.) fading to inconsequentialness, now is the time for all those “anybody-but-Mitt Romney” Republicans to get behind the only true conservative in the race: Congressman Ron Paul.
Unlike Mitt the Flip, who never held a position he couldn’t change in an instant, Paul has been a consistent and rock-solid conservative his whole career.
He has run his campaign the same way. While other candidates have soared to the top of the polls only to flame out like a New Year’s sparkler, Paul’s campaign has plodded along, amassing delegates along the way. (Don’t believe the media’s delegate count. Paul’s people are working behind the scenes to capture uncommitted delegates and take over local Republican Party offices, much to the dismay of the Republican establishment.)
Unlike Romney, Paul holds truly conservative ideals. He has pledged to balance the budget in three years. He will cut $1 trillion from the budget in the first year and eliminate five cabinet departments (Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Interior and Education). He will abolish the Transportation Security Administration, end corporate subsidies (corporate welfare), stop foreign aid and return most spending to 2006 levels.
According to a recent New York Times/CBS News Poll, 69 percent of Americans believe the United States should end its involvement in the Afghanistan war. Paul has said he’ll bring the troops home immediately.
Paul is more pro-gun, pro-Constitution and pro-liberty than Romney. Most importantly, while Romney wears Massachusetts’ Romneycare around his neck like a millstone, Paul has none of that baggage. And Paul is a more attractive candidate to independents and moderates than Romney.
There are still 19 States that have not held their primaries: Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, Nebraska, Oregon, Arkansas, Kentucky, Texas, California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota and Utah. There are still 1,152 delegates left to be awarded in those States. And while Paul will not win enough delegates before the convention to lock up the nomination, it’s important that Romney doesn’t either.
Then real conservatives can nominate a real conservative candidate that can beat Barack Obama in November.

Ron Paul: Help Me Get to Tampa

If the establishment had its way, there would only be one Republican left in this race – and the National Convention would just be a massive rally for Mitt Romney.

There would be no talk about individual liberty.  No mention of trillion-dollar deficits, real spending cuts, and the out-of-control Federal Reserve.

And there would be no questioning the cost of utopian nation-building schemes or policing the world.

But thanks to your hard work and dedication to the cause of liberty, the establishment isn’t getting its way.

Not this time.

I’m planning to take my campaign to Restore America NOW all the way to Tampa, Florida, for the Republican National Convention.

But to do so, my campaign must have the funds to continue picking up delegates all across the country.

So can I count on you to help me fight all the way to the National Convention by pledging to make a generous contribution to my campaign’s Money Bomb on April 15?

So far, my campaign’s delegate strategy has paid off.

Dedicated supporters of mine have been turning out at their local caucuses and conventions to run as delegates to their Congressional District or State Conventions – where National Delegates will be elected.

It’s these delegates who will choose the Republican nominee at the National Convention in August.

That’s why it’s absolutely crucial my campaign has the funds to continue organizing and winning delegates in many states around the country.

And there are also important primaries in Texas and California coming up where hundreds of delegates will be up for grabs.

That’s why I’m counting on you to pledge to contribute to my campaign’s Money Bomb on April 15.

You and I have fought tooth and nail against the establishment for nearly an entire year now.

And the most important battles are happening right now.

So please, help me take my campaign to Restore America NOW to the Republican National Convention by pledging to make a generous contribution to my upcoming April 15 Money Bomb.

Let’s take our fight all the way to Tampa.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. My campaign is holding a Money Bomb on April 15.

With the Republican National Convention fast approaching, my campaign must have the funds to continue winning delegates in many states all over the country.

So please pledge to contribute to my Money Bomb on April 15 to help me take our fight all the way to Tampa!

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Ron Paul VS Mitt Romney And Then There Were Two

Justice Downplays Stunt that Stole Holder's Vote

By Martin Gould

The Deparmtent of Justice on Monday attempted to play down video proof of how easy it is to vote fraudulently when a man working for James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas obtained Attorney General Eric Holder’s vote.

“About the only time we get concrete evidence of voter fraud is when someone pulls a stunt like this,” a DoJ spokesman told NBC’s First Read blog.

Holder and the department have consistently said there is no proof of widespread voter fraud, but the video, posted online by Breitbart is further embarrassment after Project Veritas successfully got dead people’s votes in New Hampshire and Minnesota.

The scruffily dressed young man, who is white, went to Holder’s polling station on Nebraska Avenue in Washington, D.C., for last week’s primaries and asked if they had Holder registered there. Holder is 61 and black.

He was careful not to claim he was Holder but the poll worker still tried to hand the assistant his ballot once he had confirmed the A.G.’s name was on the roll.

When the young man said he had left his ID in the car, the poll worker told him it wasn’t needed, but O’Keefe’s assistant, who was fitted with a hidden camera, said he would feel more comfortable showing it.

As he left, the man said, “I’ll be back faster than you can say ‘furious,’” a reference to the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal that has ensnared Holder.

“We’re not going anywhere,” the poll worker replied.

Holder’s Justice Department has battled hard against states that have tried to introduce voter ID laws, saying they unfairly disenfranchise immigrants and the poor who may not have driver’s licenses. The attorney general insists there is no widespread problem with voter fraud.

Project Veritas has had success with undercover video stings against the liberal advocacy organization ACORN, Planned Parenthood and National Public Radio. However he has been accused in the past of editing out parts that did not fit his side of the story.

His efforts in New Hampshire and Minnesota have prompted politicians in both states to propose stricter identification legislation.

Read more on Justice Downplays Stunt that Stole Holder's Vote
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Will U.S. Troops Fire On American Citizens?

By Avalon & Shepard Ambellas

Who would believe that in the year 2012 one would have to ask if the U.S. Military would fire on American Citizen’s?
The question of troop involvement in a possible upcoming Martial Law scenario that is being predicted is no imaginary possibility – nor is it a ‘conspiracy theory’.
Other tough questions are being discussed such as, “Will the U.S. government confiscate Gold and Silver in an economic collapse?” and “Will there be a round-up of American Citizens to be put into FEMA Camps?”
Many believe that the United Nations will be given authority to step in to keep the peace in any civil unrest or economic collapse. This is a strong possibility.
Silver: The Achilles Heal – Physical Silver is a Stake in the Heart of the Financial Vampires (Ad)
Readers should be familiar with the term ‘Hidden In Plain Sight’. How this applies to the United Nations is simple.
The United Nations main purpose is to be the centerpiece of the coming World Government that will control nearly of aspect of the global population.
For years their military strength has grow as they are now increasingly tasked with upholding law and order in conflicts around the world.
Research into the U.N and prove to yourself that this is or isn’t the case. The U.N. is the governing body of The New World Order – Hidden In Plain Sight.
Investigate their corporate operation as well as the growing number of sites they control and you will discover they now even own the World Weather Service.
An update to this article will list the number of organizations that the United Nations has established, you will be amazed.
A recent Senate Armed Services Committee conference with Sen. Sessions and the Pentagon’s Leon Panetta clearly shows that the United Nations would be involved in authorizing Military Action in Iran, similar to the Libya and Iraq invasions.
Two of the most widely known United Nations programs are Agenda 21 and Codex Alimentarius.
These are beyond the scope of this article but one other program is of significance which is the U.N. Rapid Deployment Police.
 The United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force Act of 2001(House Resolution 938) Status of H.R. 938 CosponsorsThe United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force (H.R. 938) was introduced on March 8, 2001 by Representatives James McGovern (D-MA) and Amo Houghton (R-NY) in the House of Representatives. The legislation calls upon the President to use the United States’ “voice, vote, and influence” to urge the UN:
  • to establish a United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force (Police and Security Force) that can be quickly dispatched under the authority of the UN Security Council; to recruit volunteer personnel for the force; and to provide equitable and reliable funding for the Police and Security Force.
Additionally, the legislation calls upon the President to:
  • urge UN member nations to enter into regional partnerships for the purpose of forming Rapid Deployment Brigades, made up of on-call units of national forces, capable of deploying within 30 days of a Security Council resolution;
  • and direct the Secretary of Defense to undertake a study to determine the availability of and feasibility of using U.S. forces as part of the rapid deployment brigades.

What would the Police and Security Force do? It would:
  • be able to deploy within 15 days of a Security Council resolution to establish international peace operations, with a limited deployment of no more than six months for any given mission;
  • only be deployed when the Security Council determines that violations of human rights and/or breaches of the peace require a rapid response to ensure adherence to negotiated agreements to prevent or end hostilities;
  • consist of at least 6,000 volunteers employed directly by the UN, who train together and are appropriately equipped expressly for international peace operations, including civilian policing; and
  • be given the authority to protect itself, execute negotiated peace accords, disarm combatants, protect civilians, detain war criminals, restore the rule of law, and to carry out other purposes as detailed in Security Council resolutions.
Many readers will recall the survey given to U.S. Marines at the 29 Palms Marine Corps base in California.
The survey asked the respondents to consider the following statement: “I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government.”
The current situation is even more alarming, for example:
The passing of the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which THEBLAZE covers in an article titled, “Can the ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Send Americans to Military Prison Without Trial?” (12-08-11) has caused even the most skeptic to be concerned for their personal safety – especially those fighting for liberty.
The National Defense Resources Preparedness: Comparing Previous Executive Orders article that posted online is another example of the emergence of a Fascist Police State taking complete control.
Lastly, the purchase by the Department of Homeland Security of 450,000,000 rounds of ammunition over a five year period should be warning enough that something is definitely wrong.
Who are these rounds to be used on? Even at 80,000,000 rounds per year, that’s one bullet for every dissenter at a minimum.
The fact that the United Nations is the unelected yet-to-be Global Government should be warning enough that the United States of America is in great peril. The only intelligent thing to do is… PREPARE.
There is also the chance that the powers that be will play out a pandemic type scenario in which the military will receive orders from the top brass to quarantine US citizens.
This scenario may be the most probable – let’s entertain it.
It would likely go something like this:
A loudspeaker (megaphone) attached to a UN (United Nations) van passing through a middle-class neighborhood resinates a pre-recorded message,
“This neighborhood has been declared a pandemic zone… Pandemic level 6 martial law is now in place… Please stay in your homes as a quarantine has been imposed… If you are found in violation of this order you can be fined, imprisoned, or even shot… Food will eventually be dropped at your doorstep” (message repeating)
Essentially at one point people will get hungry and from there chaos will ensue.
Shepard Ambellas host of The Intel Hub Radio Show once asked a military caller on air what they would do in a pandemic situation (like the one laid out above).
The caller replied;
“That would be a tough one.”

Further Research and Sources

Obama Admin Cites ‘Int’l Permission,’ Not Congress, As ‘Legal Basis’ For Action In Syria
Uploaded by SenatorSessions on Mar 7, 2012
WASHINGTON, March 7—Under question from Sen. Sessions at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing today, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey indicated that “international permission,” rather than Congressional approval, provided a ‘legal basis’ for military action by the United States.
Selected Executive Orders on National Security
Is the Soros-Sponsored ‘Agenda 21’ a Hidden Plan for World Government? (Yes, Only it Is Not Hidden)
What is Agenda 21?  If you do not know about it, you should.
Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.
‘Sustainable Development’ sounds like a nice idea, right?  It sounds nice, until you scratch the surface and find that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development are really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of Social Justice/Socialism on the world.

At risk from Agenda 21;
  • Private Property ownership
  • Single-Family homes
  • Private car ownership and individual travel choices
  • Privately owned farms
The Agenda 21 plan openly targets private property.  For over thirty-five years the UN has made their stance very clear on the issue of individuals owning land;
Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.
Source: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I),Vancouver, BC, May 31 – June 11, 1976. Preamble to Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report.
There are two more, very good reasons to be wary of Agenda 21 and the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) that supports it: George Soros and the United Nations. Soros money has been tracked to funding parts of ICLEI ;
In 1997, George Soros’s Open Society gave ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local Agenda 21 Project
Creating a Force for Peace Operations: Ensuring Stability with Justice
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC®)
Creation of a US force for stability is consistent with statements by senior officials in the Bush Administration and expressions of congressional interest in creating effective US forces to handle peacekeeping missions. Even before
taking office, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said the incoming Administration would “think hard” about developing forces to perform police functions and might replace soldiers with international police to perform peacekeeping missions.
7 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told European defense ministers in Brussels on 18 December 2001 that NATO forces in Bosnia should be replaced by an armed European constabulary unit that would deal with organized crime.
8 Such Administration thinking seems to parallel similar thoughts in Congress. The United Nations Rapid Deployment Act of 2001 (HR 938), which was introduced by Representative James McGovern with 17 cosponsors, calls for the
President to help establish aUNRapid Deployment Police and Security Force, utilizing the Stryker Brigade Combat Teams as part of Rapid Deployment Brigades.
DoD Memorandum, June 4, 2004, signed by Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense
DPKO provides political and executive direction to UN Peacekeeping operations around the world and maintains contact with the Security Council, troop and financial contributors, and parties to the conflict in the implementation of Security Council mandates.
United Nations Peacekeeping Group Chart
Troop and police contributors
Our military and police personnel are first and foremost members of their own national services and are then seconded to work with the UN.
UN Summary of Military and Police Contributions 2005 – 2012
 Peacekeeping operations
A peacekeeping operation is led by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), and works to create the conditions for lasting peace in a country torn by conflict.
The following survey was given to U.S. Marines at the 29 Palms Marine Corps base in California:
DD Form 3206 (Rev 2/96)
JOINT SERVICES TRAINING COMBAT ARMS SURVEYPart A (Confidential when filled in)This questionnaire is to gather data concerning the attitudes of combat trained personnel with regard to non-traditional missions. All responses are confidential and official. Write your answers directly on the form. In Part II, place an “X” in the space provided for your response.Date:_____________Part 1. Demographics.1. Branch of Service: Army ( ) USAF ( ) Navy ( ) Marines ( ) ANG ( ) NG ( ) USCG ( ) Other: ( )2. Pay Grade: (E-6, O-4, etc) ( )3. MOS, AFSC or Specialty Code and Description: ( )4. Highest level of education: Less than 12 ( ) 13 ( ) 14 ( ) 15 ( ) (16) ( ) More than 16 ( )5. How many months did you serve in Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield?( )6. How many months did you serve in Somalia? ( ) 7. Where did you spend most of your childhood?
City: ( ); County: ( ) State: ( )
Part II. Attitude:
Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used within the U.S. and bordering countries for any of the following missions?
(Strongly Disagree) (Disagree) (Agree) (Strongly Agree) (No Opinion)
8. Drug enforcement
9. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
10. Security at national events (e.g. Olympic Games, Super Bowl)
11. Environmental disaster clean-up including toxic and nuclear
12. Substitute teachers and school workers in public schools
13. Community assistance programs (e.g. landscaping, environmental clean-up,road repair, animal control)
14. Federal and State prison guards and auxiliary police
15. National emergency police force/international security force
16. Advisors to SWAT units, the FBI, or the BATF
17. Border Patrol (e.g. prevention of entry of illegal aliens into U.S. territory)
18. Drug enforcement and interdiction
19. Disaster relief in bordering countries (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, etc.)
20. Environmental disaster clean-up in bordering countries including toxic and nuclear.
21. Peace keeping and local law enforcement and internal security forces
22. National building (reconstruct civil governments, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.)
23. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing and clothing and domestic care).
Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used in other countries, under command of non-U.S. officers appointed by the U.N. for any of the following missions?
24. Drug enforcement.
25. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
26. Environmental disaster clean-up including toxic and nuclear.
27. Peace keeping including local law enforcement and internal security forces
28. National building (reconstruct civil government, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.
29. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing and clothing and domestic care)
30. Police action (e.g. Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm but serving under non-U.S. officers)
31. The U.S. runs a field training exercise. U.N. combat troops should be allowed to serve in U.S. combat units during these exercises under U.S. command and control.
32. The U.N. runs a field training exercise. U.S. combat troops under U.S. command and control should serve in U.N. combat units during these exercises
33. The U.N. runs a field training exercise. U. S. combat troops should serve under U.N. command and control.
34. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N.missions as long as the U.S. has full command and control.
35. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. missions under U.N. command and control.
36. U.S. combat troops should be commanded by U.N. officers and non- commissioned officers at battalion, wing and company levels while performing U.N. missions.
37. It would make no difference to me to have U.N. soldiers as members of my team.
38. It would make no difference to me to take orders from a U.N. company or squadron commander.
39. I feel the President of the U.S. has the authority to pass his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief to the U.N. Secretary General.
40. I feel there is no conflict between my oath of office and serving as a U.N. soldier.
41. I feel my unit’s combat effectiveness would not be affected by performing huminatarian and peace keeping missions for the U.N.
42. I feel a designated unit of U.S. combat soldiers should be permanently assigned to the command and control of the U.N.
43. I would be willing to volunteer for assignment to a U.S. combat unit under a U.N. commander.
44. I would like U.N. member countries, including the U.S., to give the U.N. all the soldiers necessary to maintain world peace.
45. I would swear to the following code:
“I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace and every nation’s way of life. I swear and affirm to support and defend the Charter of the United Nations and I am prepared to give my life in its defense.”
46. The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation, and transfer of all non-approved firearms. A 30-day amnesty period is established for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of irregular citizen groups and defiant individuals refuse to turn over their firearms to authority.
Consider the following statement:
“I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government.”
End of Survey

Ron Paul - "Last Nail"

Pro-family bill needs you

Advocate Banner

I need your help right now.

The Classroom Protection Act in Tennessee has come up for a vote in committee right now, and I need as many Public Advocate supporters as possible to act.

This bill is a vital step for defeating the California model of Mandatory Homosexual Education and protecting our children in school.

It will give parents the legal right to defend their children from the radical pro-homosexual education of teachers and counselors.

Public Advocate was instrumental in seeing the bill past the Tennessee Senate last year -- and you and I have been fighting for months to get it through their House of Representatives.

We have come so far -- but you and I need to do even more.

So please, call or email Representative Richard Montgomery right now.  He is the Chairman of the Education Committee and has been stalling this bill for months.

Let him know that you absolutely support Campfield’s Classroom Protection Act (SB 49/H.R. 229) and expect him to support it too.

Phone: (615)741-5981

Together, you and I can start taking back our classrooms from the Homosexual Lobby.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.

Vote Texas - New Ron Paul 2012 Ad

Spanish Company SKYTL Will “Count” American Votes Overseas In November

  I Voted SC Spanish company will Count American votes overseas in November
Photo credit: Cali4Beach (Creative Commons)

When the Spanish online voting company SKYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2012 election. For SOE, the Tampa based corporation purchased by SKYTL in January, supplies the election software which records, counts, and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states–900 total jurisdictions–across the nation.
As the largest election results reporting company in the US, SOE provides reports right down to the precinct level. But before going anywhere else, those election returns are routed to individual, company servers where the people who run them “…get ‘first look’ at results and the ability to immediately and privately examine vote details throughout the USA.”   In short, “this redirects results …to a centralized privately held server which is not just for Ohio, but national; not just USA-based, but global.”
And although the votes will be cast in hometown, American precincts on Election Day, with the Barcelona-based SKYTL taking charge of the process, they will be routed and counted overseas.
SKYTL itself is a leader in internet voting technology and in 2010 was involved in modernizing election systems for the midterm election in 14 American states.
But although SKYTL’s self-proclaimed reputation for security had won the company the Congressionally approved task of handling internet voting for American citizens and members of the military overseas, upon opening the system for use in the District of Columbia, the University of Michigan fight song “The Victors” was suddenly heard after the casting of each ballot. The system had been hacked by U of M computer teachers and students in response to a challenge by SKYTL that anyone who wished to do so, might try!
Nevertheless, in spite of warnings by experts across the nation, American soldiers overseas will once again vote via the internet in 2012. And because SKYTL will control the method of voting and—thanks to the purchase of SOE–the method of counting the votes as well, there “…will be no ballots, no physical evidence, no way for the public to authenticate who actually cast the votes…or the count.”
The American advocacy group Project Vote has concluded that SKYTL’s internet voting system is vulnerable to attack from the outside AND the inside, a situation which could result in “…an election that does not accurately reflect the will of the voters…” Talk about having a flair for understatement!
It has also been claimed that SKYTL CEO Pere Valles is a socialist who donated heavily to the 2008 Obama campaign and lived in Chicago during Obama’s time as Illinois State Senator. Unfortunately, given what is known about the character of Barack Obama, such rumors must be taken as serious threats to the integrity of the 2012 vote and the legitimate outcome of the election.
Though much has been written about the threat of nationwide voting by illegals in November, it is still true that most election fraud is an “inside” job. And there now exists a purely electronic voting service which uses no physical ballots to which an electronic count can be matched should questions arise. Add to this the fact that the same company will have “first count” on all votes made in 14 US states and hundreds of jurisdictions in 12 others, and the stage is set for election fraud on a scale unimaginable just a decade ago.
Perhaps Obama had reason for supreme confidence when he said “after my election” rather than “in case of” to Russian President Medvedev a week ago.