Time To Step Up For Ron Paul


Time To Step Up For Ron Paul
Ron Paul is a more attractive candidate to independents and moderates than Mitt Romney.
With Rick Santorum (faux conservative-Pa.) officially “suspending” his campaign and Newt Gingrich (corporatist adulterer-Ga.) fading to inconsequentialness, now is the time for all those “anybody-but-Mitt Romney” Republicans to get behind the only true conservative in the race: Congressman Ron Paul.
Unlike Mitt the Flip, who never held a position he couldn’t change in an instant, Paul has been a consistent and rock-solid conservative his whole career.
He has run his campaign the same way. While other candidates have soared to the top of the polls only to flame out like a New Year’s sparkler, Paul’s campaign has plodded along, amassing delegates along the way. (Don’t believe the media’s delegate count. Paul’s people are working behind the scenes to capture uncommitted delegates and take over local Republican Party offices, much to the dismay of the Republican establishment.)
Unlike Romney, Paul holds truly conservative ideals. He has pledged to balance the budget in three years. He will cut $1 trillion from the budget in the first year and eliminate five cabinet departments (Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Interior and Education). He will abolish the Transportation Security Administration, end corporate subsidies (corporate welfare), stop foreign aid and return most spending to 2006 levels.
According to a recent New York Times/CBS News Poll, 69 percent of Americans believe the United States should end its involvement in the Afghanistan war. Paul has said he’ll bring the troops home immediately.
Paul is more pro-gun, pro-Constitution and pro-liberty than Romney. Most importantly, while Romney wears Massachusetts’ Romneycare around his neck like a millstone, Paul has none of that baggage. And Paul is a more attractive candidate to independents and moderates than Romney.
There are still 19 States that have not held their primaries: Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, Nebraska, Oregon, Arkansas, Kentucky, Texas, California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota and Utah. There are still 1,152 delegates left to be awarded in those States. And while Paul will not win enough delegates before the convention to lock up the nomination, it’s important that Romney doesn’t either.
Then real conservatives can nominate a real conservative candidate that can beat Barack Obama in November.

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