Pro-family bill needs you

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I need your help right now.

The Classroom Protection Act in Tennessee has come up for a vote in committee right now, and I need as many Public Advocate supporters as possible to act.

This bill is a vital step for defeating the California model of Mandatory Homosexual Education and protecting our children in school.

It will give parents the legal right to defend their children from the radical pro-homosexual education of teachers and counselors.

Public Advocate was instrumental in seeing the bill past the Tennessee Senate last year -- and you and I have been fighting for months to get it through their House of Representatives.

We have come so far -- but you and I need to do even more.

So please, call or email Representative Richard Montgomery right now.  He is the Chairman of the Education Committee and has been stalling this bill for months.

Let him know that you absolutely support Campfield’s Classroom Protection Act (SB 49/H.R. 229) and expect him to support it too.

Phone: (615)741-5981

Together, you and I can start taking back our classrooms from the Homosexual Lobby.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.

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