EndrTimes: President Obama Signed the National Defense Author...


President Obama Signed the National Defense Authorization Act - Now What?

1/02/2012 @ 11:56AM

President Obama signs the National DefenseAuthorization Act after months of debate.

One thing I love about writing on technology is that it’s a subject always filled with hope and optimism. For every frightening use of technology by oppressive governments there’s a corresponding story about the use of that same technology to overcome oppression.

For every story of police abuse I’ve read, there’s another story about corruption and violence exposed by something as simple as a camera phone.

But can technology help us overcome truly pernicious legislation like the National Defense Authorization Act recently signed by the president?

The National Defense Authorization Act greatly expands the power and scope of the federal government to fight the War on Terror, including codifying into law the indefinite detention of terrorism suspects without trial. Under the new law the US military has the power to carry out domestic anti-terrorism operations on US soil.

“The fact that I support this bill as a whole does not mean I agree with everything in it,” the president said in a statement. “I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists.”

Worse, the NDAA authorizes the military to detain even US citizens under the broad new anti-terrorism provisions provided in the bill, once again without trial.

There is some controversy on this point, in part because the law as written is entirely too vague. But whether or not the law will be used to indefinitely detain US citizens domestically, it is written to allow the detention of US citizens abroad as well as foreigners without trial.

“Obama’s signing statement seems to suggest he already believe he has the authority to indefinitely detain Americans—he just never intends to use it,” Adam Serwer writes at Mother Jones. “Left unsaid, perhaps deliberately, is the distinction that has dominated the debate over the defense bill: the difference between detaining an American captured domestically or abroad. This is why ACLU Director Anthony Romero released a statement shortly after Obama’s
arguing the authority in the defense bill could “be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield.”

The NDAA Makes the Status Quo Worse

Glenn Greenwald makes a compelling case that the law gives the government truly frightening powers. He notes that section 1022 exempts US citizens from the requirement of military detention but still leaves the option open to the state.

“The only provision from which U.S. citizens are exempted here is the“requirement” of military detention,” Greenwald writes. “For foreign nationals accused of being members of Al Qaeda, military detention is mandatory; for U.S. citizens, it is optional.

This section does not exempt U.S citizens from the presidential power of military detention: only from the requirement of military detention.”

“The most important point on this issue is the same as underscored in the prior two points: the “compromise” reached by Congress includes language preserving the status quo,” he continues. “That’s because the Obama administration already argues that the original 2001 AUMF authorizes them to act against U.S. citizens (obviously, if they believe they have the power to target U.S. citizens for assassination, then they believe they have the power to detain U.S. citizens as enemy combatants). The proof that this bill does not expressly exempt U.S. citizens or those captured on U.S. soil is that amendments offered by Sen. Feinstein providing expressly for
those exemptions were rejected
. The “compromise” was to preserve the status quo by including the provision that the bill is not intended to alter it with regard to American citizens, but that’s because proponents of broad detention powers are confident that the status quo already permits such detention.”

In part the National Defense Authorization Act helps to preserve the status quo established a decade ago with the original provisions in the PATRIOT Act giving the government broad new powers in the so-called War on Terror. In part the bill expands those powers, codifying the use of indefinite detention of foreign nationals and possibly US citizens arrested abroad and at home. In part the bill expands the use of the US military on domestic soil, at once complicating anti-terrorism strategies at home and raising serious questions about the role of the military in law
enforcement.All these things should make Americans – and not just Americans – very nervous about the preservation of their civil liberties. That precarious balance between security and liberty is looking ever more tilted toward the former and away from the latter.

The History of Anti-Terrorism is Bad News for Civil Liberties

Just as troubling, these laws suggest that the legal apparatus available to us is insufficient to the task. While due process may work for any other criminal act, terrorism is unique and requires new and expanded powers that ignore the Constitution. These powers are necessary until “hostilities end” – as though terror itself can ever be extinguished.

In the 1970′s the British government began passing a series of anti-terrorism laws that did many of the same things the US government has done since 9/11. At the time, detention without charge was expanded to seven days. Various other powers of arrest and detention were written into law, and these provisions were expanded gradually through the 1980′s as the British government continued to wage its war against the Irish Republican Army.

Far from wiping these laws from the books when the IRA disarmed, many of these laws were simply reinforced by the 2001 Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act and the 2005 Prevention of Terrorism Act.

The problem with fighting a war on terror is that it’s in many ways a war on ideas. The IRA may have disbanded, but that didn’t stop terror from taking a new shape in the form of Al-Qaeda. Britain’s struggle against Irish dissidents may have been a good excuse for earlier anti-terror legislation, but Islamic radicalism is just as potent a threat.

You Can’t Wage a War on an Idea

In the United States the Cold War had barely ended before the threat of terrorism replaced it and, in some ways, became an even more urgent reason to expand government power at the expense of privacy and civil liberties. Unlike the Cold War, Americans have actually died in the War on Terror. Also unlike the Cold War, the enemy we face is not embodied in another country or people, but rather in a form.

Terrorism is a tactic, not a state. It is used to create overreaction in its targets. The initial reaction by the US government to the 9/11 attacks was understandable but wrong-headed. Over a decade after that national tragedy, the government is still overreacting. Each time we allow our fear to undermine our freedom we concede to the very terrorists we hope to defeat.

“The legislation could also give future presidents the authority to throw American citizens into prison for life without charges or a trial,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders in a statement. “This bill also contains misguided provisions that in the name of fighting terrorism essentially authorize the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens without charges.
While we must aggressively pursue international terrorists and all of those who would do us harm, we must do it in a way that protects the Constitution and the civil liberties which make us proud to be Americans.”

Technology, Social Media, and Grassroots Activism Online Can Help Combat Bad Legislation

Support for the National Defense Authorization Act is decidedly bipartisan.
Opponents like Senator Sanders (an independent who describes himself as a socialist) and Rand Paul (a Republican and a libertarian) also come from both sides of the aisle.
The same people tend to be opponents of other civil-liberty-quashing bills like the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act, two bills being debated in congress which would give the government and the industry sponsors of the bills broad new powers over the internet and freedom of speech online.

To me, this underscores the need to look beyond politics as usual.
Technology is changing the way institutions, governments, and individuals interact. The symmetry of power is shifting and governments and non-state actors alike are scrambling to keep up. Sometimes this creates real security threats.
Hacking outfits like Anonymous present a real challenge to governments and corporations. At times these groups may act honorably, attempting to expose corruption. At times they may act without such noble intentions. Either way there is no denying that security is an issue going forward and that the overreaction of governments to a myriad security risks poses its own set of problems and challenges.

I’ve writtenin the past that people concerned with civil liberties should begin to walk away from the old left-right dichotomy entirely and focus on electing civil libertarians to congress whether these are members of the left like Russ Feingold or of the right like Rand Paul. Of course, both Paul and Feingold will fall short of the ideal civil libertarian when it comes down to it, but both are a far cry better than 90% of their colleagues.

We have few options available to us at this point. The NDAA may be challenged in the courts, and this will almost certainly happen if the president (or a future president) actually makes use of the powers related to US citizens. Even then, however, the courts could come down on either side. The Supreme Court is not exactly filled to the brim with civil libertarians.

Until that time, however, we can try to abandon politics-as-usual and focus on electing oliticians who care more about curtailing government excess than expanding government power endlessly in our never-ending War on Terror. And we can use technology, social media, and other tools at our disposal to act outside of politics altogether to work to create alternate institutions and

Look at what Reddit has done with its boycott of – now the online community is planning to unseat a congressman (or two or three) over the SOPA/PIPA legislation. The power of online activism is only just emerging. Technology may only be a tool, but I think we’ll discover that it’s a powerful one.


EndrTimes: A Pennsylvanian's Guide to the Rick Santorum You Don't Know

EndrTimes: A Pennsylvanian's Guide to the Rick Santorum You Don't Know

Santorum has frequently insisted that his political values are guided by his religious values, and that John F. Kennedy's famous 1960 speech describing a separation between the two had done "much harm" in America. But despite inviting such scrutiny, there's been little discussion of Santorum's ties to ultra-conservative movements within the Roman Catholic Church. Santorum's comments about JFK were made in Rome in 2002 when he spoke at a 100th birthday event for Jose Maria Escrivade Balaguer, founder of the secretive group within the church known as Opus Dei. Although Santorum says he is not a member of Opus Dei -- which has been criticized by some for alleged cult-like qualities and ties to ultra-conservative regimes around the world -- he did receive written permission to attend the ultra-conservative St. Catherine of Siena Church in Great Falls, Va., where Mass is still conducted in Latin and a long-time priest and many parishioners are members of Opus Dei, mingling with political conservatives like Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and former FBI director Louis Freeh.

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A global homosexual agenda

Advocate Banner

President Obama has once again proven himself to be the most radical supporter of Homosexual Agenda ever to hold the Oval Office.

Just recently, his White House announced that homosexual "rights" will be a crucial element in America’s foreign policy.

That’s right, I said foreign.

The United States will now punish any country around the world that refuses to give homosexuals special “rights.”

Obama even said that he will use American tax dollars to buy international compliance.

I couldn’t believe it when I first read it.

The Radical Homosexual Lobby has seen their agenda stopped time and again at home by the pro-Family movement.

Their champion, Barack Obama, has realized that you and I can make it very difficult for him to pass the radical Homosexual Agenda here at home, so now he is using this vile alternative.

With Hillary Clinton and the State Department leading the charge, this administration will force their radical agenda on the rest of the world.

They will use American clout.

They will use American resources and personnel.

And they will use money taken right out of the pockets of family-loving, hard-working Americans to bribe foreign governments into giving in to the Homosexual Agenda.

You see, all over the world people recognize the importance of family, real marriage and community standards of morality.

And the radical homosexuals can’t stand it.
So they have decided that if they can’t win here, they will attack everywhere else.

And the worst part is that since this is a State Department operation, Congress and the American people will never get the chance to say no to the president.

So you and I will just have to be even more pro-active in fighting back.

Hillary Clinton recently told the world that the United States supports the perverted lifestyles of homosexuals and apologized for our traditional values.

And now she wants to use her department to "re-train" foreign governments.

It’s a sad fact, but Public Advocate is the only group that is willing to speak out nation-wide against these disgusting developments.

But I pledge to you right now that I will not rest until the Obama Administration agrees to stop this horrific international agenda.

And I know I can always count on you to stand by my side in this fight.  Thank you in advance for your support.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

H2O to HHO water power car in Japan

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Founding Fathers: Were They Really Christians?

This is a response to questions and comments posed in defense of the "founding fathers" by one of my listeners who will remain anonymous. The source of some of my information, particularly as related to Jesuit Priest, John Carroll, the first Archbishop of the Colonies, is the book entitled, "The Ark and the Dove" by J. Moss Ives if you wish to check out the veracity of my assertions. I also rely upon the information contained in the scholarly video production of Chris Pinto (Adullum Films) entitled, "The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" available at:  If you wish to rebut, please cite sources.


I've learned that Jesuit priest John Carroll wrote a letter to the Pope advising him to not assert his "authority" in the Colonies because the majority Protestant Colonists were in no mood to tolerate any interference from any foreign potentate, including him or the King of England. John Carroll advised the Pope to stay quietly in the background and let American Roman Catholics govern their own church through their own bishops. Otherwise, the Protestants who were at war against the Protestant British Crown would turn on the Colonial Catholics and wipe them out and America would be forever lost to the Pope's control. He advised the Pope that the only way Catholicism could survive in America is for him to bide his time until the American Roman Catholic Church could grow into a controlling power and overthrow Protestantism and destroy the Constitutional Protestant liberties and impose RCC Canon Law. This was a matter of dire expedience for the survival of Catholicism in America, a necessary but temporary concession. So the Papacy backed off and appointed Jesuit John Carroll the first Archbishop in America. And because of this exercise of prudential restraint, American Catholicism has accomplished its goal of clandestinely overthrowing Protestantism without exciting Protestant aggression and Roman Catholic suppression. To answer your question specifically, YES, they DID give Protestants 400 years of FREEDOMS in order to survive to fight another day! That day is today! Their patience and prudence lulled the Protestants to sleep and their ecumenical movement took care of the rest. Now we have a full blown Papist government and the Protestants are still clueless except for a very diligent few.

And no, I don't believe at all the textbook whitewash about the "founding fathers." While I do not believe they all knew they were serving the Papacy's strategic long term interests, most of them were serving the Papacy's interests unwittingly because they were Freemasons blindly obeying their Jesuit controlled Lodge Masters. Most of them believed that they were achieving religious liberty for all, when in fact religious liberty was aimed at ensuring religious liberty for Catholics and throwing off the Protestant Church of England who would surely have kicked out the Jesuits and suppressed Catholicism in the Colonies just as they had suppressed Catholicism and expelled the Jesuits in England. I believe that most rank and file Freemasons had no idea of the secret aims of their Jesuitized/Jacobite Freemasonic hierarchy. Had they known, many of them might have left the Lodge and betrayed their Jesuit controlled Jacobite Masters and might have stopped the Revolution. I am also cognizant of the fact that Freemasonry is Luciferianism and they too needed Constitutional guarantees of religious liberty to protect the Lodge from religious persecution and suppression by Protestants, which is exactly what needs to happen right now! Sure, Protestants benefited by Constitutional religious liberty. But they outnumbered all others and religious liberty for Protestants would never have become an issue until Romanism could take advantage such as they have now.

Scottish Rite Freemasonry is Jacobinism. The Jacobites led 3 civil wars in England to overthrow the Protestant British Crown and return England over to the Pope. They lost every war and became fugitives and sought refuge in Scotland and elsewhere. Having lost 3 attempts against Protestant England, they shifted gears and fled English pursuit and came to America and focused their efforts on the Colonies. Their goal was to foment a revolution to separate the Colonies from Protestant English rule and then to use this country to conquer Protestant British rule and make both the US and Britain Catholic. Some researchers refer to the Revolutionary War as the 4th Jacobite rebellion and it was the Scottish Jacobites who became American Scottish Rite Freemasonry. These were the ones who fomented the Revolutionary War and the Tea Party and signed our founding documents. They were also cooperating with Jesuit controlled British Freemasons in the British Parliament to pass the Stamp Act and the Quebec Act and all the other "intolerable Acts" which incited the Protestant Colonists against their own British Protestant government. I believe as these researchers do that Freemasonry accomplished Catholic control of America today by fomenting the Revolutionary War and clandestinely and incrementally achieving the Vatican NWO agenda right here in our midst without our notice.

My history books in school had nothing but good to say about these so called "founding fathers". But I no longer believe that tripe. The lion's share of them were Freemasons. I know what Freemasonry is really all about now because I've read their books myself and I respectfully disagree with Eric Phelps. At minimum, the Lodge Masters during the Colonial period were "Illuminized" (Jesuitized) and were knowingly working for Rome and only pretended to be "Christians" and all about Liberty to get the majority Protestants to cooperate with their Revolution. I see these Scottish Rite Freemasonic "founders" as no less culpable and no less dangerous and no less deceptive than their secret Jesuit Masters. And Chris Pinto's video, "The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" makes more sense to me than anything I read in my high school history books. Chris Pinto personally examined the personal private writings of these "founders" and has discovered that they only pretended to be "Christians" in order to accomplish their greater Luciferian aims for this country. And we are about to suffer the results of their accomplishments. And I no longer participate in their Independence Day celebrations nor do I value their Declaration of Independence. They achieved independence for Catholics and Luciferians and Jesuits and only temporary independence for Protestants. All they did was liberate the Catholics and the Jesuits and gave them the right that they were denied in Protestant England, to practice their Luciferian cult and to take over this country and to take away my Protestant liberties and to burn me at the stake or stretch me on the rack or starve me to death in a concentration camp just for being Protestant. And the signing into law of the Pope's NDAA by CFR slave boy Barack Obama is proof of their secret but true intent in fomenting the Revolution, the Counter Reformation! It was all a part of the Jesuit-led Counter-Reformation pursuant to the decrees of the Counter-Reformation Council of Trent. And that's not all. Most of the ecumenical Protestant power preachers in this country today are Scottish Rite Jacobite Jesuit controlled Freemasons 33rd degree and they are the ones who brought Rome's ecumenism into our churches. Now even the Church of England is ecumenical and can barely be distinguished from Catholicism.

Indeed, the Lucifer worshiping Pope HATED the Constitution. But John Carroll was right and the Pope knew it and he did as John Carroll advised him and he kept his mouth shut so that the American Catholic Cult could rise to controlling power and hand this country over to him without a fight. 400 years was a small concession given the longevity of the Roman Catholic Cult. And especially since the Papacy was able to use the USA in the meantime to conquer the rest of the world in preparation for the Pope's global reign from Jerusalem.

The layout and architecture of the entire city of Washington D.C. and our money and even the Presidential Seal bears unmistakeable witness to the overwhelming Jacobite/Scottish Rite Freemasonic/Jesuit influence in the formation of our Federal government. The overwhelming majority of the signers were Jacobite Freemasons. They worship Lucifer just as their Supreme Jacobite Master, the Pope of Rome, the Biblical Antichrist.

Your mileage may vary.


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