A global homosexual agenda

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President Obama has once again proven himself to be the most radical supporter of Homosexual Agenda ever to hold the Oval Office.

Just recently, his White House announced that homosexual "rights" will be a crucial element in America’s foreign policy.

That’s right, I said foreign.

The United States will now punish any country around the world that refuses to give homosexuals special “rights.”

Obama even said that he will use American tax dollars to buy international compliance.

I couldn’t believe it when I first read it.

The Radical Homosexual Lobby has seen their agenda stopped time and again at home by the pro-Family movement.

Their champion, Barack Obama, has realized that you and I can make it very difficult for him to pass the radical Homosexual Agenda here at home, so now he is using this vile alternative.

With Hillary Clinton and the State Department leading the charge, this administration will force their radical agenda on the rest of the world.

They will use American clout.

They will use American resources and personnel.

And they will use money taken right out of the pockets of family-loving, hard-working Americans to bribe foreign governments into giving in to the Homosexual Agenda.

You see, all over the world people recognize the importance of family, real marriage and community standards of morality.

And the radical homosexuals can’t stand it.
So they have decided that if they can’t win here, they will attack everywhere else.

And the worst part is that since this is a State Department operation, Congress and the American people will never get the chance to say no to the president.

So you and I will just have to be even more pro-active in fighting back.

Hillary Clinton recently told the world that the United States supports the perverted lifestyles of homosexuals and apologized for our traditional values.

And now she wants to use her department to "re-train" foreign governments.

It’s a sad fact, but Public Advocate is the only group that is willing to speak out nation-wide against these disgusting developments.

But I pledge to you right now that I will not rest until the Obama Administration agrees to stop this horrific international agenda.

And I know I can always count on you to stand by my side in this fight.  Thank you in advance for your support.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

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