Founding Fathers: Were They Really Christians?

This is a response to questions and comments posed in defense of the "founding fathers" by one of my listeners who will remain anonymous. The source of some of my information, particularly as related to Jesuit Priest, John Carroll, the first Archbishop of the Colonies, is the book entitled, "The Ark and the Dove" by J. Moss Ives if you wish to check out the veracity of my assertions. I also rely upon the information contained in the scholarly video production of Chris Pinto (Adullum Films) entitled, "The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" available at:  If you wish to rebut, please cite sources.


I've learned that Jesuit priest John Carroll wrote a letter to the Pope advising him to not assert his "authority" in the Colonies because the majority Protestant Colonists were in no mood to tolerate any interference from any foreign potentate, including him or the King of England. John Carroll advised the Pope to stay quietly in the background and let American Roman Catholics govern their own church through their own bishops. Otherwise, the Protestants who were at war against the Protestant British Crown would turn on the Colonial Catholics and wipe them out and America would be forever lost to the Pope's control. He advised the Pope that the only way Catholicism could survive in America is for him to bide his time until the American Roman Catholic Church could grow into a controlling power and overthrow Protestantism and destroy the Constitutional Protestant liberties and impose RCC Canon Law. This was a matter of dire expedience for the survival of Catholicism in America, a necessary but temporary concession. So the Papacy backed off and appointed Jesuit John Carroll the first Archbishop in America. And because of this exercise of prudential restraint, American Catholicism has accomplished its goal of clandestinely overthrowing Protestantism without exciting Protestant aggression and Roman Catholic suppression. To answer your question specifically, YES, they DID give Protestants 400 years of FREEDOMS in order to survive to fight another day! That day is today! Their patience and prudence lulled the Protestants to sleep and their ecumenical movement took care of the rest. Now we have a full blown Papist government and the Protestants are still clueless except for a very diligent few.

And no, I don't believe at all the textbook whitewash about the "founding fathers." While I do not believe they all knew they were serving the Papacy's strategic long term interests, most of them were serving the Papacy's interests unwittingly because they were Freemasons blindly obeying their Jesuit controlled Lodge Masters. Most of them believed that they were achieving religious liberty for all, when in fact religious liberty was aimed at ensuring religious liberty for Catholics and throwing off the Protestant Church of England who would surely have kicked out the Jesuits and suppressed Catholicism in the Colonies just as they had suppressed Catholicism and expelled the Jesuits in England. I believe that most rank and file Freemasons had no idea of the secret aims of their Jesuitized/Jacobite Freemasonic hierarchy. Had they known, many of them might have left the Lodge and betrayed their Jesuit controlled Jacobite Masters and might have stopped the Revolution. I am also cognizant of the fact that Freemasonry is Luciferianism and they too needed Constitutional guarantees of religious liberty to protect the Lodge from religious persecution and suppression by Protestants, which is exactly what needs to happen right now! Sure, Protestants benefited by Constitutional religious liberty. But they outnumbered all others and religious liberty for Protestants would never have become an issue until Romanism could take advantage such as they have now.

Scottish Rite Freemasonry is Jacobinism. The Jacobites led 3 civil wars in England to overthrow the Protestant British Crown and return England over to the Pope. They lost every war and became fugitives and sought refuge in Scotland and elsewhere. Having lost 3 attempts against Protestant England, they shifted gears and fled English pursuit and came to America and focused their efforts on the Colonies. Their goal was to foment a revolution to separate the Colonies from Protestant English rule and then to use this country to conquer Protestant British rule and make both the US and Britain Catholic. Some researchers refer to the Revolutionary War as the 4th Jacobite rebellion and it was the Scottish Jacobites who became American Scottish Rite Freemasonry. These were the ones who fomented the Revolutionary War and the Tea Party and signed our founding documents. They were also cooperating with Jesuit controlled British Freemasons in the British Parliament to pass the Stamp Act and the Quebec Act and all the other "intolerable Acts" which incited the Protestant Colonists against their own British Protestant government. I believe as these researchers do that Freemasonry accomplished Catholic control of America today by fomenting the Revolutionary War and clandestinely and incrementally achieving the Vatican NWO agenda right here in our midst without our notice.

My history books in school had nothing but good to say about these so called "founding fathers". But I no longer believe that tripe. The lion's share of them were Freemasons. I know what Freemasonry is really all about now because I've read their books myself and I respectfully disagree with Eric Phelps. At minimum, the Lodge Masters during the Colonial period were "Illuminized" (Jesuitized) and were knowingly working for Rome and only pretended to be "Christians" and all about Liberty to get the majority Protestants to cooperate with their Revolution. I see these Scottish Rite Freemasonic "founders" as no less culpable and no less dangerous and no less deceptive than their secret Jesuit Masters. And Chris Pinto's video, "The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" makes more sense to me than anything I read in my high school history books. Chris Pinto personally examined the personal private writings of these "founders" and has discovered that they only pretended to be "Christians" in order to accomplish their greater Luciferian aims for this country. And we are about to suffer the results of their accomplishments. And I no longer participate in their Independence Day celebrations nor do I value their Declaration of Independence. They achieved independence for Catholics and Luciferians and Jesuits and only temporary independence for Protestants. All they did was liberate the Catholics and the Jesuits and gave them the right that they were denied in Protestant England, to practice their Luciferian cult and to take over this country and to take away my Protestant liberties and to burn me at the stake or stretch me on the rack or starve me to death in a concentration camp just for being Protestant. And the signing into law of the Pope's NDAA by CFR slave boy Barack Obama is proof of their secret but true intent in fomenting the Revolution, the Counter Reformation! It was all a part of the Jesuit-led Counter-Reformation pursuant to the decrees of the Counter-Reformation Council of Trent. And that's not all. Most of the ecumenical Protestant power preachers in this country today are Scottish Rite Jacobite Jesuit controlled Freemasons 33rd degree and they are the ones who brought Rome's ecumenism into our churches. Now even the Church of England is ecumenical and can barely be distinguished from Catholicism.

Indeed, the Lucifer worshiping Pope HATED the Constitution. But John Carroll was right and the Pope knew it and he did as John Carroll advised him and he kept his mouth shut so that the American Catholic Cult could rise to controlling power and hand this country over to him without a fight. 400 years was a small concession given the longevity of the Roman Catholic Cult. And especially since the Papacy was able to use the USA in the meantime to conquer the rest of the world in preparation for the Pope's global reign from Jerusalem.

The layout and architecture of the entire city of Washington D.C. and our money and even the Presidential Seal bears unmistakeable witness to the overwhelming Jacobite/Scottish Rite Freemasonic/Jesuit influence in the formation of our Federal government. The overwhelming majority of the signers were Jacobite Freemasons. They worship Lucifer just as their Supreme Jacobite Master, the Pope of Rome, the Biblical Antichrist.

Your mileage may vary.


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