Why the Abortion lobby fears “We the People”

Ever wonder why abortionists constantly run crying to unelected judges to do their dirty work?

The fact is, when popularly elected representatives decide, the outcome is overwhelmingly pro-life.

And while the outrageously bad Roe v. Wade decision makes our battles more difficult, at least within the limits of Roe we pro-lifers continue to make progress.

Across the country since 2011 with the support of tens of thousands of NPLA members and other pro-lifers, at least 60 new pro-life legislative provisions have been enacted in multiple states.

It’s been reported that with record numbers of pro-life laws passed and enacted since 2011, that no laws promoting abortion have passed in any state.

National Pro-Life Alliance members played a key role in the efforts to pass legislation for ultrasound requirements and parental intervention in states like Michigan and Oklahoma.

More than 20 states have opted out of paying for abortions with state taxpayer dollars in Obamacare.

And in four different states NPLA Members successfully pushed for the enactment of provisions that would ban abortion coverage established in Obamacare within their states.

Even with the pro-abortion media solidly on their side, pro-abortion activists have failed to bolster popular support for abortion-on-demand.

In fact, even the staunchly pro-abortion Time Magazine recently lamented their lack of popular support in a cover story entitled, “Why Abortion Right Activists Have Been Losing Ever Since Roe v. Wade."

The only two pro-abortion bills on our radar have been stalled by the active efforts of National Pro-Life members and other pro-lifers.

Yet the Roe v. Wade decision still limits what we can do.

That’s why NPLA’s top legislative priority is passing the Life at Conception Act, removing judicial obstacles from the process so that the unborn can be truly protected.

Having recently re-introduced our Life at Conception bills in both the House and Senate, we can use your help generating more support in fighting for passage of this bill.

Thanks to the efforts of you and other NPLA members we are now up to 93 cosponsors in the House and Senate.

Ultimately, an up or down vote on the Life at Conception Act will put politicians on record either for or against ending abortion-on-demand.

I urge you to e-mail your Representative to co-sponsor H.R. 1091 and your Senators to co-sponsor S.583 today.

For Life,

Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. If you can, please chip in with a contribution by clicking here. Your National Pro-Life Alliance is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions to keep our vital programs running. We receive no government funding.

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