Pelosi Can't Understand GOP's 'Obsession' With Benghazi

Firewire from THE BLAZE May 12, 2013
CBS Anchor: 'We're Getting The Big Stories Wrong, Over & Over'
Speaking to a college audience on Friday, CBS News anchor Scott Pelley scolded the news media for what he said has been “a bad few months for journalism.” Pelley continued, “We’re getting the big stories wrong over and over again.” Watch the network anchor's full remarks HERE.
Report: Senior IRS Officials Knew About Targeting Of Conservatives   
The Associated Press has obtained a draft of an inspector general’s report that contradicts public statements by the IRS commissioner that only low-level workers initiated the pressure on conservative groups. The draft report claims senior Internal Revenue Service officials knew agents were targeting Tea Party groups as early as 2011. Get the latest on this unfolding story HERE.

On Saturday, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi blasted what she called the Republican “obsession” with Benghazi, accusing the GOP of exploiting the attack to avoid talking about anything else. Watch the MSNBC segment HERE.

Glenn Beck issued a withering response Saturday to the Internal Revenue Service’s shocking admission that it has unfairly targeted conservative groups, pointing out that he and his news organization have been reporting on the issue for over a year. Get the full report HERE.

The billionaire mayor -- who is waging a very public war on fat, salt, sugar, guns and more -- is not pleased with a new 36,000-calorie cupcake that was unveiled this week. But, is Mayor Mike offended by the calorie count in the cupcake or is it the fact that his frowning face was resting atop the mouth-watering masterpiece? Listen to his reaction when he learned of the oversized treat HERE.

A rare and hastily-planned spacewalk was required when an ammonia leak was discovered on the International Space Station. The astronauts removed the broken ammonia pump and replaced it with ease. Watch the video showing the the successful repair HERE.

Book Of The Week: 'Dad Is Fat'
In Dad Is Fat, Jim Gaffigan -- perhaps America's favorite G-rated comedian -- shares hilarious riffs on the perils and proud moments of parenthood and family life. Grab some great big laughs right HERE.
Which News Web Site Admitted To Spying On Ben Bernanke? 
Before Bloomberg News cut off its reporters' access to the online activities of the company’s 315,000 paying subscribers, their 2,400 reporters on staff had access to a broad range of data on user activities. One former employee has admitted to accessing the data terminals of Fed Chairman Bernanke and former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. See how Bloomberg is responding to the spying allegations HERE.

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On a recent episode of “The Tonight Show,” one couple was on the receiving end of a prank at the gas station. The husband was asked to sing a song for a free tank of gas. He delivered...but so did his wife. Prepare for laughter and watch the video HERE. 

How Many Forward Rolls Can You Do In 1 Min? This Kid Did 75!
The BBC is reporting that a 14-year-old British gymnast broke the world record for the most forward rolls in one minute. Watch the young man as he breaks the previous record of 69 rolls in one minute, held by American Ivan Spizizen, HERE.
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