It’s your fault.
It’s your faith. It’s your values.
To the Radical Homosexuals, the guilt shredding their consciences has nothing to do with their lifestyle.
It’s those “hateful” morals good folks like you work to instill in your children and grandchildren.
With President Obama occupying the White House, Democrats dominating the Senate and the Republican House getting steamrolled at every turn, the Homosexual Lobby is going for broke.
Their goal? To SHUT you and me up, GUT our remaining constitutional liberties and FORCE left-wing social engineering on our children.
Blaine, if you care about right and wrong -- if you care about protecting a church’s ability to practice their faith -- then please fill out your American Morality Survey below IMMEDIATELY.
With the national media spreading the propaganda that the radical homosexual movement has already won, members of BOTH political parties appear ready to sign off on their entire agenda, including:
*** The Gay Bill of
Special Rights, which could FORCE businesses -- even day cares, churches, private schools and hospitals -- to adopt homosexual hiring quotas.
Not hiring homosexuals or firing them would result in expensive and drawn out federal “civil rights” lawsuits -- potentially leading to bankruptcy for many companies;
Not hiring homosexuals or firing them would result in expensive and drawn out federal “civil rights” lawsuits -- potentially leading to bankruptcy for many companies;
*** Government-approved homosexual
“marriage” and adoption, FORCING Christian insurance companies, small business owners and others to subsidize these faux unions with
And once “hitched,” newly “married” couples will force adoption centers -- including church-supported institutions -- to recognize their “marriage” and hand over the children;
And once “hitched,” newly “married” couples will force adoption centers -- including church-supported institutions -- to recognize their “marriage” and hand over the children;
*** The Homosexual
Classrooms Act, teaching kids as young as first grade that homosexuality is moral and natural! High school children will learn perverted sex
acts as part of “safe sex” education.
With teen pregnancy, condoms in schools and sexual hedonism already devastating our culture, you and I can only imagine the destructive influence this outrageous initiative could have!
What about our right to religious liberty? What about our right to private property? What about our right to teach our
children how we see fit? With teen pregnancy, condoms in schools and sexual hedonism already devastating our culture, you and I can only imagine the destructive influence this outrageous initiative could have!
Gutted. Destroyed. All in the name of so-called “tolerance” and “acceptance.”
If this is NOT the future you want for our country, please fill out your American Morality Survey by clicking here IMMEDIATELY.
There’s not much time to waste.
With the help of Hollywood millionaires and the most liberal U.S. President in history -- the radical homosexuals will stoop to virtually any level to RAM their agenda into law.
I know. I’ve received their death threats. I’ve been stalked. I’ve experienced attempts on my life for simply telling normal, God-fearing Americans the TRUTH about the radical Homosexual Agenda!
But since I founded Public Advocate of the United States more than 30 years ago, I’ve never seen the radical homosexuals more sure victory was at their fingertips.
After all, President Obama has already overturned decades of military precedent to allow radical homosexuals to flaunt their tawdry flamboyance in uniform.
Countries like Canada have passed legislation allowing pastors to be imprisoned for speaking out against homosexuality as “hate crimes!”
Here in the United States, the national media is busy spreading the Homosexual Lobby’s lies. . .
If Christians would just “stop being Neanderthals” . . . if our nation’s rulers would just reject morality . . . if our schoolchildren would start embracing and perhaps even practicing homosexuality . . .
Then homosexuals believe everything would be “fabulous.”
But that might not even be the worst of it.
A few years ago, when the premier conservative event in America, CPAC, was flooded with homosexual groups like “GOProud,” many conservatives around the country were shocked.
But that was just the beginning. Now top-ranking Republicans in BOTH houses of Congress are flirting with pro-homosexual groups like Log Cabin Republicans!
And the U.S. House -- currently controlled by the GOP -- has been beaten into a corner by President Obama time and again.
So I’m afraid we’re looking head on at a legislative DISASTER.
That’s why filling out your American Morality Survey is so critical.
My hope is to generate a FLOOD of surveys from good folks like you all over the country and prove to Members of Congress that they vote for the radical Homosexual Agenda at their own peril.
I’ve been in politics long enough to know that’s the one way to send a message in Washington, D.C. -- make absolutely sure politicians understand their re-elections are at stake.
To send that message loud and clear, I’m going to have to ramp up all of Public Advocate’s efforts.
In the next few weeks, I plan to contact up to eight million Americans nationwide via mail and email, working the blogs and the talk radio lines, writing op-eds, and running hard-hitting newspaper, radio, internet and TV ads.
You and I both know many God-fearing, decent Americans who just don’t understand the stakes. After all, the radical homosexuals love to claim they’re the “victims.”
But it’s good folks like you and me who are going to pay the price for their agenda with our freedom!
So please -- in addition to your complete survey -- I must ask you to make your most generous contribution TODAY to help me FIGHT BACK against the Radical Homosexuals’ onslaught.
I don’t know what you can afford. Perhaps you can give $250 or $100 to this fight. Perhaps all you can do is $50, $35 or even just $20 or $10.
Whatever you can do will make a tremendous difference.
I believe you and I do have the numbers to win -- if we can mobilize in time. But that depends on you.
So please fill out your American Morality Survey by clicking here IMMEDIATELY and then chip in with your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35 or even $20 or $10 TODAY.
Please don’t delete this email. Please don’t tell yourself “I’ll just get to it later.” Please act at once!
For the Family,
Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States
The Homosexual Lobby
is going all-out to SHUT you and me up, GUT our remaining constitutional
liberties and FORCE left-wing social engineering on our children as
And with President Obama in the White House, Democrats dominating the Senate, and the Republican House getting steamrolled at every turn, I’m afraid they may just succeed.
That’s why it’s critical you fill out your American Morality Survey, and chip in with your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35 or even $20 or $10 IMMEDIATELY!
And with President Obama in the White House, Democrats dominating the Senate, and the Republican House getting steamrolled at every turn, I’m afraid they may just succeed.
That’s why it’s critical you fill out your American Morality Survey, and chip in with your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35 or even $20 or $10 IMMEDIATELY!
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