Catholic hospital accused of stealing Newborn baby from mother's womb in Brazil

A Brazilian woman has just accused a Catholic hospital - Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Mauá - of stealing the baby from her womb after she woke up from her C-section to be told her pregnancy had been 'psychological'. 

This catholic hospital name translates to "THE HOLY HOUSE OF MERCY OF MAUA" which was recently changed from its original name Hospital Imaculada Conceição [Portuguese for Immaculate Conception Hospital], established March 9, 1963.

The victim, Layane Santos, 19, was in her 38th week of pregnancy when she has to be rushed to the hospital in Sao Paulo, located in south east Brazil, with abdominal pain and blood loss.

Layane received pre-natal treatment during her entire pregnancy, with nurses recording the growing size of her baby, and even measuring the foetal heart beats.

Ultrasound Evidence
Ms. Santos had an ultra-sound scans in the final week of her pregnancy, showing she was carrying a baby girl who weighed 7 lbs. and measured 42cm.

Layane and her husband Lourival Alves, 28, had already named their daughter Sofia, and had moved to a larger house and had spent over $2,000 on clothes and furniture for their first child, according to Brazil's Tribunal Hoje newspaper.

On the day Ms. Santos believed her baby would be born, doctors at the Catholic hospital of Santa Casa de Misericordia de Maua performed yet another ultrasound scan. Hospital records report that the mother-to-be arrived on December 26 'with vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain, requiring urgent attention. 'The obstetrician diagnosed premature separation of the placenta and the patient was immediately transferred to the operating room. Ms. Santos states she specified to medics that her husband wanted to be present at the baby's birth, but he was never called. 

Leila Salomao, the couple's attorney, said they are seeking to gain access to hospital records detailing the incident. 

Uesley Lima, the doctor involved in Santos' pre-natal treatment, has also said she will be a witness for the couple if a criminal case is brought against the hospital. 

A spokesman for the hospital said exams performed before the "delivery" proved she was not carrying a baby.

This case surfaces after countless cases of child trafficking/ child theft by the Catholic Church has been discovered around the world. In the case of Spain, there have been over 300,000 cases of children stolen by nuns and doctors in Spain's Catholic Hospitals (See: BBC Stolen Babies), the same took place in Catholic Mother Baby Homes in the United States (See: Dan Rather Reports), as well as Canada as evidenced in Anne Petrie's "Gone to An Aunt's Book", and in Australia Catholic Hospitals where nuns stole babies and sold them into adoption for astronomical profits, so much so that they were forced to issue a national apology for stealing over 500,000 babies (See: TeleGraph Article).

It is important to note that in the case of Spain and Australia, the nuns would drug the pregnant woman and tell the mothers that their baby had been born dead. They would then forge documents and sell the babies into illegitimate adoptions.

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