Will you sign a special emergency petition to your Members of Congress, Speaker John Boehner and Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at once?
As I write you today, polls show that more than 70% of American taxpayers oppose taxpayer funding of abortion.
Yet despite that, in the past four years, the Obama administration has shoved an unprecedented expansion in taxpayer funding of abortion down our throats.
The nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, can attest to the explosion in taxpayer funds.
Planned Parenthood just recently released their annual report for 2011-2012.
And 2011 was a big money-maker for the abortion giant.
They crowed about the number of abortions they performed in 2011 -- a record 333,964 babies killed.
Cumulatively, their 3 year total brings their death count over that period just barely short of a million.
And your tax dollars paid for this slaughter.
Planned Parenthood received nearly half of their revenue, $542 million, in tax dollars.
And now as things currently stand, they're counting on an even greater influx of funds, with the help of their ally in the White House.
Because with his reelection safely behind him, President Obama isn't even trying to hide his use of your and my tax dollars to line the pockets of the abortion lobby.
In fact, Obama and his pro-abortion cronies in Congress took advantage of "must pass" legislation just this last December, and snuck in additional taxpayer funding of abortion in a military appropriations bill.
And they're looking to do it once again with the looming debt ceiling and other budget bills.
But "must pass" legislation goes both ways.
Pro-lifers can use looming deadlines and Congress' power of the purse where you and I have the most strength to strip taxpayer funding of abortion from the budget.
Which is why I'm counting on you to click here to sign your No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion petitions.
It is vital that you and I let wavering Members of Congress and especially Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader McConnell know that you are counting on them to stand between the abortion lobby and the Obama administration's sticky fingers and our tax dollars.
So please, click here to sign your petitions.
For Life,
Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance
P.S. Obama and his pro-abortion cronies are looking to expand taxpayer funding of abortion even further. Please click here to sign your No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion petitions. And if you can, I also hope that you'll chip in with a donation to help your National Pro-Life Alliance carry on the fight.
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