by angelbabe43
Vatican is Practicing Child
Sacrifice “Nothing, in this world, works the way you think it does.”
-Jordan Maxwell Child sacrifice, trauma-based mind control.
What do these have in common? They are all used by one of the largest cults in the world; the Illuminati.
Trauma-based mind control is very seldom talked about even in the
alternative media, this is a very important topic as it deals with
torture against children and even unborn children according to one of
the whistleblowers in this article.
It’s a sketchy topic, but we need to
be aware that these things do happen everyday, we have to grow up and
face reality, trauma-based mind control is a very real technique that
will give us a better understanding on how this world really operates.
Many people scoff at the idea of a group of people are controlling the
world, steering humanity and events for their own self-benefit.
What I
learned is shocking, we do live in a world that is highly-influenced by
the biggest cult on earth, this cult is so vast and powerful that it
steers economies on a global scale through manipulation of the markets
and monetary systems, they hold most of the resources in the world so
it’s quite easy for this group to pull the strings.
The ‘Illuminati’ is
basically an ancient bloodline of families, many of you might know their
symbol hidden in plain sight on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill (a
capstone hovering over a pyramid).
Call them Illuminati,
Internationalists or Aristocrats, meaning a member of the ‘ruling class’
The roots of this group go back to the Papacy of the Vatican and
stem back to the British monarchy,
this Illuminati group has weaved many webs across the world
infiltrating groups like the Freemasons, they can be Zionists, Satanists
or Communists.. the list is quite overwhelming.
The real movers are in
the private and secret meetings where top figures gather to discuss
future plans for the world, they gather in groups (such as Bilderberg Group),
clubs, councils, commissions and committees.
The cult has almost every
important seat in the world; they are Senators and Congressmen,
Presidents, Prime Ministers, Popes and Queens.
They are in high places
in media, the entertainment industry and etc.
Politicians call
themselves ‘progressive’, they pretend to be ‘for the people’ but then
quickly turn their backs and strive for the progress of ‘the family’ and
could care less about the outsiders of the group.
No U.S. president is
ever elected by the people, they are always selected. The United States
never really won their independence from the British monarchy as the
word ‘United States’
means a ‘federal corporation’ to British crown royalty (who are puppets
of the Vatican).
All corporations have presidents, it is the kinds and
queens that hold the real power over nations.
These aristocrats have
always strived for an agenda called a ‘New World Order’.
A New World Order is a utopian world-view that the cult works towards
where the ruling class continues to perfect its dominance over the
A world where just about everything is regulated under the
auspices of the United Nations.
According to the elite; humans are considered ‘useless eaters’ (that’s
anyone who isn’t part of the aristocracy), the word ‘human’ is another
word for ‘monster’, a savage that has ‘uninheritable blood’ and is to be
treated like expendable slaves that live a short lifespan and are only
‘allowed to live’ to serve the elite.
A whistleblower of this cult went
public about her experience with the organization and its use of
trauma-based mind control (also called ritual abuse) that deals with
sexual trauma, physical and mental pain on young even unborn children.
Trauma-based control is used to create a Dissociative Identity Disorder
(DID) to tear the subject away from the rest of the world to create a
literal robot that is loyal and obedient to a programmer’s every
Svali (a pseudonym for obvious reasons) explains it best, she
is an ex-Illuminati mind control programmer who was born into ‘the
family’, she wrote an excellent book called Breaking the Chain –
Breaking Free Of Cult
Programming that exposes the nature of this cult in great detail.
It is
very important if you want to understand how this cult operates is to
read Svali’s entire book, get to know the lingo and how they operate.
But right now I would just like to point out the 4th chapter of her book
where she explains the techniques used on infants who are born into the
The programming techniques that I will describe take an
incredible amount of effort, time, dedication, and planning on the part
of the cult to place in the individual.
Only a very motivated group of
people would spend the time it takes to do this.
These chapters are very
hard for me to write, as an individual, since my role in the cult was
that of a programmer.
So, the very techniques you will be reading about
were often those that I used to place programming in individuals that I
worked with.
I no longer do these things, nor do I espouse doing them; Intentional Programming
Intentional programming of an infant in the Illuminati often begins
before birth.
Prenatal splitting is well known in the cult, as the fetus
is very capable of fragmenting in the womb due to trauma.
This is
usually done between the seventh and ninth month of pregnancy.
Techniques used include: placing headphones on the mother’s abdomen, and
playing loud, discordant music (such as some modern classical pieces,
or even Wagner’s operas).
Loud, heavy rock has also been used. Other
methods include having the mother ingest quantities of bitter
substances, to make the amniotic fluid bitter, or yelling at the fetus
inside the womb.
The mother’s abdomen may be hit as well.
Mild shock to
the abdomen may be applied, especially when term is near, and may be
used to cause premature labor, or ensure that the infant is born on a
ceremonial holiday.
Certain labor inducing drugs may be also given if a
certain birth date is desired.
Once the infant is born, testing is begun
at a very early age, usually during the first few weeks of life.
trainers, who are taught to look for certain qualities in the infant,
will place it on a velvet cloth on a table, and check its reflexes to
different stimuli.
The infant’s strength, how it reacts to heat, cold,
and pain are all tested.
Different infants react differently, and the
trainers are looking for dissociative ability, quick reflexes, and
reaction times.
They are also encouraging early dissociation in the
infant with these tests.
The infant will also be abused, to create
Methods of abuse can include: rectal probes; digital anal
rape; electric shocks at low levels to the fingers, toes, and genitalia;
cutting the genitalia in ritual circumstances (in older infants).
intent is to begin fragmentation before a true ego state develops, and
customize the infant to pain and reflexive dissociation from pain (yes,
even tiny infants dissociate; I have seen it time and time again; they
will glow blank and limp, or glassy, in the face of continued trauma.)
Isolation and abandonment programming will sometimes be begun as well,
in a rudimentary sense.
The infant is abandoned, or uncared for by
adults, intentionally during the daytime, then picked up, soothed,
cleaned up and paid attention to in the context of preparing for a
ritual or group gathering.
This is done in order to help the infant
associate night gatherings with “love” and attention, and to help the
bonding process to the cult, or “family”.
The infant will be taught to
associate maternal attention with going to rituals, and eventually will
associate cult gatherings with feelings of security.
As the infant grows
older, i.e. at 15 to 18 months, more fragmenting is intentionally done
by having the parents as well as cult members abuse the infant more
This is done by intermittently soothing, bonding with the
infant, then shocking it on its digits; the infant may be dropped from
heights to a mat or mattress and laughed at as it lays there startled
and terrified, crying.
It may be placed in cages for periods of time, or
exposed to short periods of isolation.
Deprivation of food, water, and
basic needs may begin later in this stage.
All of these methods are done
in order to create intentional dissociation in the infant.
In this
interview, Svali explains a more public technique of trauma-based
programming by child sacrifice carried out during an induction ceremony
at the Vatican.:
When I was twelve, I was flown over to Germany.
And I was at, I’ll call them the German Fathers’ house, over there.
there was some preparation for a few days, beforehand, and I was told
that there would be a very important ceremony.
And it was considered a
sealing ceremony at that point.
And basically I was told a little bit
about what I was expected to do during the ceremony.
When we got there,
we went through the Vatican.
Underneath the Vatican there is a large
room that I described to you when we talked before.
It has 13 catacomb
chambers leading into it.
And what they do is as you go down these steps
into the room, you can see that it’s circular, so they’re all rounded.
They bring out the mummies from the catacombs.
And they set them beside
each one [each of the 13 catacomb chambers], and they say “That’s the
spirit of the Fathers watching over the ceremony.”
During the ceremony,
there was a large table in the center of the room.
It was on top of this
huge golden pentagram.
They had a ceremony there.
Well, there was a
It looked like dark glass in the center of the room.
It was made
out of a stone, but it was very shiny and darkened black.
It may have
been something like obsidian or onyx, I’m not sure.
This was the only
time I’ve seen stone like that.
Around the corners it had these gold
channels that, you know, collect fluids.
A little boy was placed in the
center of the table and drugged.
I think he was drugged, because he was
very quiet.
He didn’t move or say anything.
The man was in scarlet – he
was speaking in Latin.
And basically he was saying, “Please accept the
sacrifice on this day.”
And then he said, “This sacrifice will seal the
And then he did it.
Here’s the same story but from a GCN
interview: "During the ceremony, they sacrificed a little boy. After
that the man dressed in scarlet went to the side of the room and I had
to kneel before him and kiss his ring and swear my undying loyalty to
the New World order."
We all live in a scientific dictatorship where
governments use propaganda in public schools, TV and movies to shape
public opinions and beliefs to manage large populations for the benefit
of the elite.
Terrorism is a form of trauma-based mind control, for
example, 9/11.
Many people were so traumatized at the events of
September 11th that they would have believed almost anything that the
government had put out.
Like torture, terrorism is used to intimidate or
coerce subject(s) into behaving and thinking a certain way so that the
person(s) remain obedient to the system.
9/11 was the mega-ritual that
has accomplished many goals including the invasion of Iraq and
Afghanistan because we were constantly told that the terrorists will hit
us again if we didn’t do something about it.
"Fear is a strong basis
for mind control, whether it’s the kind of mind control that is the
mass-mind control over a whole society or if it’s the kind of absolute
robotic mind control that I experienced under MK-ULTRA on a U.S.
Pentagon level." -Cathy O’Brien
Cathy O’Brien is also a victim of mind
control (was not born into ‘the family’), she tells her story how she
was sold by a sexually abusive father to the military industrial
complex; “A local politician that was sanctioning this child pornography
ring was associated with my grandfather’s blue masonic lodge, blue
masonic lodge when this one particular politician (Gerald Ford) came to
my father and told him he can receive immunity from prosecution if he
would sell me into MK-ULTRA mind control.
My father was thrilled, he
agreed to sell me into the project and was trained in how to raise me
for MK-ULTRA.”
Related articles
- Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice (
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