Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Chip Wood December 7, 2012
Barack Obama’s Phony Mandate Barack Obama’s Phony Mandate »
Barack Obama says he wants $1.6 trillion in new taxes over the next 10 years. And our “don’t call my bluff” President made it abundantly clear that he’ll play hardball to get it. More »

Freedom Watch

Go Back To Clinton-Era Taxes? What About Clinton-Era Spending? Go Back To Clinton-Era Taxes? What About Clinton-Era Spending? »
Redistributionists on both sides of the aisle are proposing increased spending and higher taxes as a “solution” to the fiscal cliff. Neither side is talking of cutting spending in any meaningful way. More »

Personal Liberty News

DeMint Joins Heritage To Broaden Conservative Message DeMint Joins Heritage To Broaden Conservative Message »
Influential conservative Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is exiting his final term in the Senate four years early to take over as president of the Heritage Foundation, a GOP-affiliated think tank in Washington with a budget of about $80 million. More »

Verizon Files Creepy Spying Television Patent Verizon Files Creepy Spying Television Patent »
The telecom giant Verizon has filed a patent for a cable television box that would use sensors to monitor what costumers are doing in their homes and how they are behaving as they view television programing in order to target audiences with more specific advertisements. More »

Political Correctness Busybodies Attack Senior Citizens’ Christmas Tree Political Correctness Busybodies Attack Senior Citizens’ Christmas Tree »
Residents at a senior housing complex in California are outraged that management of the building has ordered them to remove their Christmas tree from a communal area because “it’s a religious symbol.” More »

High Fructose Consumption, Higher Diabetes High Fructose Consumption, Higher Diabetes »
Large amounts of high-fructose corn syrup may be one of the factors for the global epidemic of type 2 diabetes, U.S. and British researchers suggest. More »

Chip Shots

Chafed Chafee’s Surprise Ceremony

Better not call that a “Christmas” tree. Politically correct Governor Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island doesn’t want to offend the delicate sensibilities of any of his constituents by showing favoritism toward Christmas. So last year, he decreed that the beautifully decorated tree in the rotunda of the State House be known as a “holiday tree.” At the official lighting ceremony, however, a group of carolers showed up and burst into song. The tune? “O Christmas Tree,” of course. So this year, the Governor’s office gave just 30 minutes’ notice before the tree lighting. Can’t have any of those nasty carolers upsetting the non-believers, can we? More »

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