Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Brandon Smith December 4, 2012
Some Preppers Will Make Surviving The Apocalypse Even Less Fun Some Preppers Will Make Surviving The Apocalypse Even Less Fun »
Building a solid community of people to rely on during a collapse is absolutely essential, and the larger the group of liberty-minded neighbors the better. But if certain ground rules are not established from the very beginning, a rainbow of personal issues and character flaws could very well destroy years of effort.  More »

Outside The Asylum

Before The Body Goes Cold Before The Body Goes Cold »
While Jovan Belcher’s final act appalls me, that revulsion is nothing compared to how I feel about the ghouls who jumped on the situation in order to push political ideologies. Writing for FOX Sports, Jason Whitlock managed to turn the orphaning of a 3-month-old into a bizarre rant against the 2nd Amendment. More »

Hot Topic

The Gun Did It The Gun Did It »
Jovan Belcher didn’t kill Kasandra Perkins and himself. The gun did it. Daily abuse of alcohol and painkillers didn’t contribute to Jovan Belcher’s murderous and suicidal rampage. The gun did it. The effects of too many blows to the head suffered by his choice of profession didn’t have anything to do with it either. The gun did it.  More »

Personal Liberty News
Marine Guards Testify Manning Respectful, Compliant Prior To Base Protest Marine Guards Testify Manning Respectful, Compliant Prior To Base Protest »
A Marine guard testifying in a pretrial hearing for alleged WikiLeaks leaker Pfc. Bradley Manning undercut the government’s contention that Manning’s confinement in isolation — sometimes without clothing — was justified because he was a suicide risk. More »

Never Travel Without An Emergency Kit Never Travel Without An Emergency Kit »
A snowstorm trapped thousands of trucks and cars on a Russian highway over the weekend, leaving motorists without food and water and running out of gasoline and demonstrating yet again the need to be properly prepared for emergencies.  More »

Rosemary May Help Prevent Eye Disease Rosemary May Help Prevent Eye Disease »
A substance in rosemary may have clinical applications for diseases affecting the retina, including age-related macular degeneration, U.S. researchers say. More »

Health Tips

Exploring The Autism/Vaccination Link

Over the past 30 years, the number of diagnosed autism spectrum disorders has exploded. Where once only one in 10,000 children was affected, now it’s one in 88. This year, as many as 46,000 children will be diagnosed with ASD. That’s more than will be diagnosed with pediatric AIDS, juvenile diabetes and childhood cancer combined. More »

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