Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Bob Livingston December 17, 2012
Some Countries Ban GMOs, But Not The United States Of Monsanto Some Countries Ban GMOs, But Not The United States Of Monsanto »
America was once the breadbasket for the world. Now countries are banning U.S. foods in an effort to spare their citizens from the health hazards of genetically modified foods, also known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. More »

On Your Own

Planning An Evacuation Planning An Evacuation »
There have been many natural disasters in recent history that have required people to leave their homes in order to preserve life and safety. Most recently, the East Coast was forced to deal with Super Storm Sandy. So what makes an evacuation successful? More »

Power Of The State

Don’t Like Handing Over Papers? You Sound Like A F’n Nazi Don’t Like Handing Over Papers? You Sound Like A F’n Nazi »
A Crenshaw County, Ala., sheriff’s deputy, upset that Facebook users posted the whereabouts of a law enforcement roadblock he was working, took to Facebook himself and in doing so revealed the mindset that has become pervasive with law enforcement officers today. More »

Personal Liberty News
As Drug Policies Change, Is There A Conservative Dilemma? As Drug Policies Change, Is There A Conservative Dilemma? »
Governments around the world have slowly been recognizing the folly of using prohibition and war on drugs tactics to quell drug related violence, addiction and terroristic drug cartels. More »

Financial Industry: Russian Thugs Targeting Online Banking Financial Industry: Russian Thugs Targeting Online Banking »
Lawmakers have been itching to implement far-reaching government Internet controls in the United States for a long time. Now, the Nation’s financial services industry is giving them the boogeyman they need: warnings of a potential threat that Russian “cyber-gangsters” are preparing to rob American banks. More »

Eat Three Small Meals To Lose Weight Eat Three Small Meals To Lose Weight »
People trying to lose weight have long been advised to eat several small meals a day, but University of Missouri researchers say three meals might be better. The study, scheduled to be published in the journal Obesity, found women who consumed three meals had significantly lower fat in their blood. More »

Commenter’s Corner

Commenting on It's Time For Conservatives To Abandon The GOP,
Ryan says:
December 14, 2012 at 7:20 am
The Rebublican party is dead because it's no different than the Democratic party, other than maybe a few less extremists.
I've hear that the way to get a third party is to start at the local level and work up to the national. Does anyone think that there is time for that to happen with the speed in which we are moving to a wall?

NOW is the time to start to organize with ideas on what this new party will represent.

No time like the present to try and turn this fiasco around, if you think it can be done.
 More »

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