Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Chip Wood December 14, 2012
Better Be Glad Obama Won Better Be Glad Obama Won »
Regardless of whether Congress and the President reach some sort of accommodation over how much the “rich” will be taxed, a financial train wreck looks almost unavoidable. Blame Barack Obama. More »

Freedom Watch

Signs Of Collapse: The Obvious And The Hidden Signs Of Collapse: The Obvious And The Hidden »
Societal collapse manifests itself in many ways. The clues are there for the discerning to see. Some signs make news headlines, though in a way that plays down their significance. Other signs aren’t discussed in the media. More »


It’s Time For Conservatives To Abandon The GOP It’s Time For Conservatives To Abandon The GOP »
Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus wants disaffected members of the GOP to know that the Party is doing the very best it can. What he really means to say is that the GOP is doing everything it can to ensure the supremacy of big government in America for years to come. More »

Personal Liberty News
Forget Fiscal Cliff, Here Comes Regulatory Tsunami Forget Fiscal Cliff, Here Comes Regulatory Tsunami »
Early this year, the Federal government put on hold a number of pending regulations that would have given the GOP campaign ammunition in claims that President Barack Obama is strangling the Nation with regulations. Now, a regulatory tidal wave is headed toward America. More »

Censorship-Loving Countries Trying To Take Over Internet Censorship-Loving Countries Trying To Take Over Internet »
The United Nations has caused a stir in the past week as it has sought more global control over the Internet at the World Conference on International Telecommunications in Dubai. Tuesday night, the international organization reportedly attempted to avert controversy by introducing a late-night resolution. More »

Chocolate, It’s All About The Guilt Chocolate, It’s All About The Guilt »
The very guilt associated with indulging in forbidden foods such as chocolate can, in fact, enhance women's enjoyment of them, U.S. researchers say. More »

Chip Shots

Underwear Flashing

An economic indicator goes positive. When he was chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan said that one of the unusual indicators he followed was sales of men’s underwear. The theory posits that sales decline when men are pessimistic about their incomes and the economy. Let’s hope the opposite is also true, because Hanes and other underwear manufacturers are reporting higher sales than they’ve enjoyed in years. The men’s underwear indicator is flashing positive.  More »

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