Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Wayne Allyn Root December 13, 2012
Teaching House Speaker Boehner How To Negotiate Teaching House Speaker Boehner How To Negotiate »
House Speaker John Boehner is negotiating like a man who believes he is already outflanked and defeated by President Barack Obama. As a Republican, I am embarrassed for Boehner and my party. More »

Outside The Asylum

An Unholy Union An Unholy Union »
During the course of the pitched battle Tuesday between union thugs and the people of Michigan, the Democratic Party tweeted its endorsement of the union thugs’ physical tactics: “There will be blood.” More »

Personal Liberty News

Fed Continues Monetary Meddling Fed Continues Monetary Meddling »
The Federal Reserve yesterday announced that it will continue to keep interest rates near zero and continue to buy debt and print money. But the central bank has at least linked its monetary policy to specific targets for the first time. More »

Cops Taser Woman Who Wanted To Buy iPhones Cops Taser Woman Who Wanted To Buy iPhones »
Police are increasingly resorting to Tasers and brute force — including beating and shooting “suspects” — in all types of situations. Tasers are considered non-lethal weapons, but they are quite lethal. More »

Concealed Carry Victory In Illinois Concealed Carry Victory In Illinois »
Earlier this week, a Federal appeals court struck down an Illinois ban on concealed carry, which was the most sweeping State concealed firearms law in the Nation. More »

Orange Vegetables May Reduce Breast Cancer Orange Vegetables May Reduce Breast Cancer »
U.S. researchers found women with the highest levels of carotenoids — found in produce — in their blood had the lowest risk of breast cancer.  More »

Preparedness Tip

Find, Join Like-Minded Preppers

Being a lone wolf of preparedness may make you a very capable individual who has the knowledge to survive a potential crisis in the wilderness, but this mindset does not account for 99 percent of the situations that involve living in social context.

While the lone wolves might be ready to disappear into the woods and take on nature, they may not actually be able to survive the darker sides of a chaotic society in a likely crisis situation. For this reason, even though becoming a true “survivalist” is a great goal to shoot for, it is imperative to join like-minded preppers in your area if you want to be ready to deal with the fact that there are other people in our society who will affect your life in a time of crisis. More »

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