Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From John Myers December 12, 2012
Hypocrisy Served With Rice Hypocrisy Served With Rice »
There is no limit to the hypocrisy of the Administration of President Barack Obama. The latest example is the "green" President's candidate for secretary of state, Susan Rice.  More »

Freedom Watch

Google And Taxes Google And Taxes »
Google, Inc. wants to keep the money it earns. In 2011, the company shifted about $9.8 billion in revenues into a Bermuda shell company in order to avoid about $2 billion in worldwide taxes. More »

Personal Liberty News

FBI Reports Hate Crimes Down FBI Reports Hate Crimes Down »
According to crime data from the FBI for 2011, hate crimes last year fell to the lowest level they have been since 1994. More »

Obesity Threatening National Security Obesity Threatening National Security »
The United States has a growing national security problem: Many Americans are becoming too fat to serve in the Armed Forces. More »

Patent Filed For Electric Handcuffs Patent Filed For Electric Handcuffs »
Earlier this month, Gizmodo discovered a recent patent filing for handcuffs that would afford law enforcement officers a range of shocking new tools to keep their prisoners under control. More »

Healthy Diet Reduces Second Heart Attack Risk Healthy Diet Reduces Second Heart Attack Risk »
Heart patients who ate a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish significantly reduced their chance of a second heart attack, researchers in Canada say. More »

2nd Amendment Under Fire

Appeals Court Strikes Down Illinois Gun Ban

A gun-grabbing Illinois State Senator spent the evening of Dec. 5 in the hoosegow after he was caught trying to board an airplane while carrying a gun.

Senator Donne Trotter of Chicago, who has long fought concealed-carry legislation in the State and is an ardent gun control activist, had a .25 cal. Beretta and a magazine containing six rounds in his garment bag. He told authorities he had worked late as a security guard the previous night and packed his bag early Wednesday morning, forgetting he had the gun in the bag. Trotter works for a security firm and has permits and licenses — that most Chicagoans can't get — to carry a firearm for his work. More »

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