Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Paul Craig Roberts December 11, 2012
More Phony Employment Numbers More Phony Employment Numbers »
Statistician John Williams ( calls the government’s latest jobs and unemployment reports “nonsense numbers.” The rate of unemployment you read in the news is one-third the actual rate.  More »

Outside The Asylum

Not Worth The Effort Not Worth The Effort »
Last week, word filtered back from the Mideast: Syria, normally a veritable Shangri-La, loaded chemical weapons into warheads for deployment against rebels in the civil war which has torn the land asunder and absorbed billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives. What should the United States do? More »

Personal Liberty News

Report: U.S. Will Lose Superpower Status By 2030 Report: U.S. Will Lose Superpower Status By 2030 »
By the year 2030, the United States will no longer be considered a world superpower, but it isn’t expected to be replaced by another nation gaining superpower status, according to a National Intelligence Council report. More »

Fiscal Cliff Talks Rife With Government Ineptitude Fiscal Cliff Talks Rife With Government Ineptitude »
A majority of Americans lack faith in the Federal government’s ability to come to an agreement that will not hurt pocketbooks throughout the Nation as the fiscal cliff drama continues. More »

U.N. Doubles Down On Internet Control Mission U.N. Doubles Down On Internet Control Mission »
Governments meeting in Dubai to discuss the future of global Internet regulation reportedly butted heads on Monday as some countries called for more government control, while U.S. officials warned that overregulation in cyberspace posed threats to freedom. More »

Court Finds North Carolina ‘Choose Life’ License Plates UnConstitutional Court Finds North Carolina ‘Choose Life’ License Plates UnConstitutional »
A Federal judge has ruled that it is unConstitutional for the State of North Carolina to issue pro-life license plates unless it also offers pro-abortion license plates. More »

Health Tips

Selenium Can Protect Against Fluoride Toxicity

Sodium fluoride is added to most American drinking water. American dentists recommend using fluoride toothpaste. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls fluoride one of the “ten greatest public health achievements of the 20th Century.”

They don’t tell you it is a poisonous pesticide and industrial waste product. Just a half tube of the flavored toothpastes marketed to children contains enough fluoride to kill them. More »

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