Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Bob Livingston December 10, 2012
No Room For Conservatives In The GOP No Room For Conservatives In The GOP »
The Republican Party is no place for conservatives. Conservatives reject statism, embrace small government and abhor confiscatory taxes. Conservatives advocate liberty and personal responsibility. The GOP is now ruled by CINOs (conservatives in name only). More »

On Your Own

Give The Gift Of Preparedness This Christmas Give The Gift Of Preparedness This Christmas »
Christmastime is approaching once again, and another year is coming to an end. Gift giving is a tradition, so why not give practical gifts that our loved ones can use year-round. I give practical preparedness items to my friends, family and loved ones every year.  More »

Outside The Asylum

An American Hero An American Hero »
On Thursday, I shared with you the story of Devin McLean. The Air Force veteran and father-to-be called the offices of Personal Liberty Digest™ to correct some details that have raced across the Internet. McLean worried that he was being depicted as more heroic than he felt was warranted. More »

Personal Liberty News
Government Borrows Nearly Half Of What It Spends Government Borrows Nearly Half Of What It Spends »
Nearly half of every dollar the Federal government has spent since the beginning of the 2013 fiscal year, which began Oct. 1, has been borrowed, according to the latest data from the Congressional Budget Office released on Friday. More »

Federal Government Expected To Attack State Pot Laws Federal Government Expected To Attack State Pot Laws »
The Administration of Barack Obama is likely prepared to unleash the Department of Justice on States that opted last month to legalize recreational marijuana use despite national public opinion that leans to the side of the pot-friendly initiatives. More »

Iranian Official: Sanctions Make Us Stronger Iranian Official: Sanctions Make Us Stronger »
A senior Iranian commander in the country’s powerful Revolutionary Guard said last week that sanctions from the West are not hurting the nation, but actually making it more self-reliant and resilient. More »

Questions For Bob

Calm A Cough

Dear Bob,

How much coconut water and for how long to get rid of a chronic cough? My wife has drank several bottles with no results.

Mr. Bales More »

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