Obama Army Handbook Blames US Soldiers For Being Killed By Taliban

by Debbie Schlussel

I’m not sure why we ever went into Afghanistan. It certainly wasn't to win a war, since you don’t win wars by building roads and giving candy to those who murder you. And President Bush’s idea of obama-fascist-hard-left-liberal-socialist-communist-god-hating-muslim-traitor“freedom” and “free elections” for Muslims was warped from Day One, as I said from Day One.
Now, Barack Obama is engaging in an outrage that is much worse (though a continuation of the same politically correct Muslim ass-kissing that Bush yoked on our troops).
Our soldiers in Afghanistan are still getting murdered and blown up regularly by Muslims and to add extreme insult to injury, there’s this, below. As you read this, keep in mind that this document says that U.S. soldiers training these murderous
Afghans to be police have about 200 times the chance of being murdered as a cop on duty in the United States. 200 TIMES! What does that say about these Afghans, other than what we already know: they are savages without any shred of humanity.
American soldiers should brace for a “social-cultural shock” when meeting Afghan soldiers and avoid potentially fatal confrontations by steering clear of subjects including women’s rights, religion and Taliban misdeeds,according to a controversial draft of a military handbook being prepared for troops heading to the region.
The proposed Army handbook suggests that Western ignorance of Afghan culture, not Taliban infiltration, has helped drive the recent spike in deadly attacks by Afghan soldiers against the coalition forces. Click here to read the rest of the story on Debbie

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