Before It's News

Top 10 Trending Stories

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Tsunami Hits Japans Miyagi Prefecture After Powerful 7.3 Earthquake (video)

Tsunami Hits Japans Miyagi Prefecture After Powerful 7.3 Earthquake CONTRIBUTOR: RussiaToday. RussiaToday reports following a 7.3-magnitude quake, a meter-high tsunami struck Japan’s Miyagi prefecture, where the tsunami that triggered the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis hit last year. Authorities reported no damage, radiation levels at Fukushima remain stable. The earthquake hit 245 kilometers off Japan’s eastern coast at a depth of around...


Idaho Organic Farmer SWAT-Teamed; Conducted Warrantless Search Of Home (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Peter Santilli. Thursday December 6, 2012 Listen To The Live Stream 24/7 Pete Santilli speaks with Michael (Bear) Gibbons and wife Marcella who’s constitutional rights were broken during a home invasion by Gem County law-enforcement in Letha Idaho. A 911 call by someone calling herself April reported she overheard the couple fighting...


McAfee Hospitalized Possible Heart Attack? Are They Trying To Silence Him? (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. McAfee hospitalized in Guatemala after chest pains Media outlets are reporting that John McAfee is in the hospital that he may of had a attack? Although John did already suffer a heart attack in 1993 who's to say this was not an attempt to induce a heart attack to try...


Obama Purges US Military Command (Part 2)

Obama Purges US Military Command (Part 2) CONTRIBUTOR: Fellowship of the Minds. This is a follow-up of my post of yesterday, “Obama purges U.S. military command (Part 1).” U.S. Air Force In 2011, 157 U.S. Air Force officers were fired on the eve of their retirement, to avoid paying their pensions. Joshua Flynn-Brown and Kyndra Miller Rotunda write in The Wall Street...


Russia: Arctic Nuke Reactors Could Explode

Russia: Arctic Nuke Reactors Could Explode CONTRIBUTOR: Terrence Aym. Join my Twitter feed | Like my Facebook page Terrifying news has been released by the Russian government and as usual the American media is busy reporting on drunken movie stars and political idiots. Russian authorities have announced they fear that 14 nuclear reactors dumped into the Arctic ocean by...


Private Corporation Intends to Watch You Have Sex Gearing Ads Toward You Through Your Cable Box

CONTRIBUTOR: (Ad) Pre-Order Your Copy of SHADE the Motion Picture DVD Now! — Click HERE Private corporations intend to spy on you and gear marketing toward you in your very own living room, bedroom, or theatre in realtime. By Shepard Ambellas December 7, 2012 Verizon has entered a new realm...


Strange 'Seismic Vibrations' Detected Throughout the United States - live USGS Internet Seismic Server...

CURATOR: Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian. From Truther Seen on multiple nodes managed by different institutions, feeding back to the CERI / Midwest USGS official charts across the region… what can only be described as low end vibrations, over a VERY large area. NOT to be confused with earthquakes elsewhere around the planet, this is something...


Unemployment Falls To 7.7% Says U.S.Bureau Of Labor Statistics

CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish . Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 146,000 in November, and the unemployment rate edged down to 7.7 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment increased in retail trade, professional and business services, and health care. Household Survey Data The unemployment rate edged down to 7.7...


$269 Per Barrel Of Oil Seen By EIA, New Report Estimates Growth Of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040

CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish . The Energy Information Agency (EIA) has just issued its Annual Energy Outlook 2013 (AEO2013) Reference case, which highlights a growth in total U.S. energy production that exceeds growth in total consumption through 2040. In the report EIA sees oil reaching $269 a barrel in 2040 in the worst...


The Worlds Economy Is In Peril, The Government Knows It. Ministers Telling Us To Save Money For A Rainy Day, Slow Growth, Periods Of Recession, All Of This Happening Recently. (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. goldsilver: The world’s economy is in peril, and it doesn’t look like Singapore will be spared. The Government knows it, saying we have to be prepared for slow growth and periods of recession in the advanced economies in the next three to four years. Ministers telling us to save money...

CURATOR: John Rolls





CURATOR: Mort Amsel





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