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Obama and Connecticut Shootings: Will Gun Confiscation Lead to Mass Death (Video) (video)
Gun confiscation has been a precurser to mass civilian deaths in dozens
of instances. History has shown this quite emphatically. The below
video addresses and explores the topic quite eloquently. It appears that
citizens should not fear guns--rather they shoot fear disarmament:...
Newtown, Connecticut: Our Violent Culture
CURATOR: Frosty Wooldridge.
By Frosty Wooldridge At church this weekend, our minister explored the
violence that killed 20 2nd and 3rd grade children and six adults in
Newtown, CT. With point blank accuracy, one 20 year old disturbed kid,
stilled the life of those young children. The father of one of the
Connecticut Police Spokesman: Newtown Will Prosecute Independant Journalist Whistleblowers (Video) (video)
CURATOR: Mort Amsel. Ive got nothing to add. -Mort...
Newtown: Two Movies, Two Mass Murders, and Questioning All the Facts
CONTRIBUTOR: jonrappoport.
Newtown: Two Movies, Two Mass Murders, and Questioning All the Facts.
Torrid Political Implications at Stake. By Jon Rappoport December 16,
2012 The Dark Knight Rises and The Hunger Games.
We’ll get to them in a minute. This article is in the interest of full
disclosure. The easy way...
Video - President Obama: Newtown, CT Memorial Service Speech Video Dec. 16, 2012: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Tragedy.
CONTRIBUTOR: MFS - The Other News.
Streaming by UstreamVideo - President Obama: Newtown, CT Memorial
Service Speech Video Dec. 16, 2012: Sandy Hook Elementary School
Shooting Tragedy.HT: Shallownation.Watch President Barack Obama’s speech
at the Newtown, Connecticut memorial service on Sun. Dec. 16, 2012. See
live stream video — and thereafter replay and transcript — of his...
The Sandy Hook School Shooting in Newtown Connecticut ...2nd shooter, Guns, etc., The story is not adding up. Here are the facts proving that.
CONTRIBUTOR: Sherrie Questioning All.
I am a seeker of TRUTH sharing it with others. Sometimes truth
frightens people which is not my intent. My intent is for everyone to
claim their own power through knowledge! Everyone has untapped Energy
within themselves and truth channeled into LOVE for each other and all
things can change...
Monsanto’s Roundup Devastating Gut Health, Contributing to Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria
CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Society.
Anthony Gucciardi Natural Society Much of the public forgets the gut
when it comes to warding off the flu and other more threatening
diseases, but the gut—and its army of beneficial bacteria—are essential
in protecting us from harm. That’s why eating genetically modified
and/or conventionally farmed food could be a...
Ray Gun Feared As America's Biggest Threat
'We dance with high tech, but if it breaks, where will we be?' WND byF.
Michael Maloof Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two-part series.
It describes the capability of a lone-wolf terrorist to inflict major,
anonymous damage on the United States. The second will describe how
Society Is Crumbling Right In Front Of Our Eyes And Banning Guns Won’t Help
CONTRIBUTOR: Michael The Patriot Blogger.
What in the world is happening to America? I have written many
articles about how society is crumbling right in front of our eyes, but
now it is getting to the point where people are going to be afraid to go
to school or go shopping at the mall. Just...
Click here to read, "Society Is Crumbling Right In Front Of Our Eyes And Banning Guns Won’t Help"...
Arctic Hurricanes Are Coming
CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish .
Though it seems like an oxymoron, Arctic hurricanes happen, complete
with a central "eye," extreme low barometric pressure and towering
30-foot waves that can sink small ships and coat metal platforms with
thick ice, threatening oil and gas exploration. Now climate scientists
at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and...
CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish
CURATOR: Mort Amsel
CURATOR: Mort Amsel
CURATOR: Sebastian Clouth
CONTRIBUTOR: Ophelia Océane
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