Amazing Discoveries: Walter Veith - Accused of Anti-Semitism in Germany

Walter Veith - Accused of
Anti-Semitism in Germany

Below please find our report on the issues surrounding accusations of anti-semitism towards Walter Veith in Germany.

Statement on the Allegations of Anti-Semitism Charges Against Walter Veith in Germany November 2012

On October 20, 2012, Walter Veith preached the lecture “King of the North (Part 2)” from the new seriesRepairing the Breach in German [German title Sturm aus dem Norden] in Germany. Almost immediately after the presentation, Walter Veith received violent opposition by way of an article by EANN (an independent Adventist magazine in Germany sharing similar ideas and mindset as Spectrum magazine) about his claims of Freemason/Jesuit involvement in the creation of the State in Israel after WWII and the way he expressed himself in regards to the Jews during Hitler’s regime. An inquiry is being made regarding anti-semitism charges.

Walter Veith Responds to EUD and is Banned in German Churches by German Adventist Leaders

On December 4, 2012, the two German SDA Unions NDV and SDV in an annual general meeting made the decision 45 in favour, 4 opposed, and 1 undecided to ban Walter Veith from speaking in German SDA Churches for the second time. The previous ban took place in 2004 due to his lectures on Bible translations and what was termed as "conspiracy theories" which were highly disapproved of by German leaders. The ban was lifted in 2010, but now has been reinstated.
Readers should note that there have been no complaints from Jews in regards to Walter's comments, nor have any non-SDAs had issue with the contents of his series. All complaints and disapproval originated from fellow SDA brethren and Church leadership that sided with the accusers.
The following letter was sent on December 5, 2012 by Walter Veith to Bruno Vertallier in response to his November 30, 2012 letter.

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