Obama has the chance right now to appoint 68 new federal judges.
And you can bet the Homosexual Lobby is lining up to make sure they get their share of the best spots.
You see, the President is responsible for nominating all new federal district and appellate court judges.
So far 68 openings have piled up -- but it will likely get even higher in the next four years.
Every single position is a chance for Obama to insert a radical activist into the court system.
And he is just itching to pay back the Homosexual Lobby for all the help they gave him during his campaign.
You and I have both seen how much damage a pro-homosexual judge can do.
In just the past year Public Advocate has blown the whistle on judges who...
...struck down the pro-marriage amendment Prop 8 in California...
...ruled that it was illegal for a Christian photography business to refuse to photograph a homosexual “wedding”...
...refused to authorize any real marriages until homosexual “marriage” was legalized in her state...
...elevated homosexuals to a “protected status” level...
...and ruled that time-tested Catholic adoption programs must shut down, or allow the children to go to homosexual households.
So many people have already been hurt.
My friend, we cannot allow the Homosexual Lobby to claim these appointments.
But it’s going to be a hard fight.
Republicans in the Senate have stalled Obama’s choices so far, but after the 2012 elections many are looking for an excuse to appease the Homosexual Lobby.
And these court appointments could be the perfect way for them to “expand the tent.”
If they think the pro-Family Movement is not watching, they could just let the worst of the worst slide right by -- with a wink and a nod to the Homosexual Lobby.
It is up to you and me to make sure these conservative politicians stand up to Obama’s radical, pro-Homosexual Agenda.
Public Advocate is the only national organization who is willing to fight Obama and the Homosexual Lobby every single time.
And while these fights may seem small, losing could be disastrous.
I hope you will be there to fight with me when the time comes.
The next four years are going to test you and me, but we must hold strong to defend the Family.
God Bless,
Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States
P.S. Please consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help fund Public Advocate's fight for traditional values.
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