Personal Liberty Alerts

Personal Liberty Alerts: Live Free in an Unfree World

The Great Eight August 4, 2012
The Great Eight (That's What WE Heard, Senator) »
Harry Reid does WHAT? Someone swam that for you, Michael. And — sign up for FAKEbook? All this, plus — Guess who's coming for dinner? Presented in 1080 hi-def, FOR FREE! It's The Great Eight, from the Personal Liberty Digest™More »

Top Articles This Week

The False Flag Gun Grab The False Flag Gun Grab »
With the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty negotiations ongoing (and going badly for the gun grabbers and elite power brokers), a game-changer was needed. It came in the form of James Holmes, "The Joker" who allegedly shot up a Colorado movie theater July 20. More »

Gunning For Tyranny Gunning For Tyranny »
Rather than try to take on the 2nd Amendment from the front, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and his accomplices pinned their pusillanimous program to ban everything north of your daughter's pink .22 Crickett onto the Federal cyberspying bill. More »

The Lie That Should Sink Obama The Lie That Should Sink Obama »
If there is one sentence that determines who will win this year's Presidential election, I hope it will be Barack Obama's incredible statement that "you didn't build that." In just four short words, Obama confirmed his bias against America's business builders and job creators. More »

Message To Obama: You Owe Us! Message To Obama: You Owe Us! »
My video commentary this week is in response to President Obama’s comments that business owners owe government and others for our success. My message to Obama? We built it. We don't owe you a thing. As a matter of fact, you owe us! More »

Watch Your Mouth! Watch Your Mouth! »
We live in a world of political correctness — so much so that there are two words many people consider offensive but which our Founding Fathers highly respected: “Creator” in the Declaration and “Lord” in the Constitution. More »

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