Personal Liberty Alerts

Personal Liberty Alerts: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Wayne Allyn Root August 30, 2012
You Didn’t Win That Olympic Medal You Didn’t Win That Olympic Medal »
Can't you just hear President Barack Obama's speech to the U.S. Olympic athletes when they visit the White House? He'll point to their gold medals and say, "You didn't win that. Government did it for you." More »

Outside The Asylum

The Mayor Of Token-Town The Mayor Of Token-Town »
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa isn't a particularly noteworthy fellow in his own right. Despite serving as the mayor of the Nation's second-largest city, Villaraigosa is a virtual unknown outside Democratic Party flacks and pro-illegal alien hate groups. More »


America Is Done America Is Done »
A historical moment is upon us. As the Republican National Convention trudges on in Tampa, Fla., many Americans are unwittingly witnessing what the death of government by the people looks like.  More »

Personal Liberty News
Obama Sneezes, Blames Republicans Obama Sneezes, Blames Republicans »
President Barack Obama has become notorious for playing the blame game. Whatever goes wrong, it's somebody else's fault. Now, one more thing can be added to the list: sneezing. More »

'Tolerant' Liberals Tweet Hateful Messages 'Tolerant' Liberals Tweet Hateful Messages »
Hurricane Isaac interfered with the Republican National Convention and resulted in a storm of tweets from liberals. Entertainers from "tolerant" Hollywood unleashed hateful messages aimed at those in Tampa, Fla., the site of the RNC. More »

Gas Prices To Reach Record Highs Gas Prices To Reach Record Highs »
According to estimates from AAA, an explosion at a Venezualen oil refinery and the effects of Hurricane Isaac are driving the price of American fuel through the roof leading up to Labor Day. More »

Ageless Wisdom Of The Founding Fathers

Class Warfare

The political class loves to pit one class against another. It does it in rhetoric to win elections. It does it in policy to win campaign donations from and provide favors to special interest groups.

Because of it, rather than a Nation united, we are a Nation divided. More »

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