Chick-fil-A: Homosexual Lobby will strike back, and soon!

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Two days ago Public Advocate and the pro-Family Movement celebrated Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, and it was a smash success!

Across the country, individual restaurants were packed out the door as pro-Family crowds happily waited for their chance to support real marriage and Christian enterprise.

The Homosexual Lobby thought they could silence us with their aggression and the widespread accusation of “hate.”

But they stood stunned as images flooded the internet of the proud supportive crowds.

They truly believed that the Fmaily could never generate crowds that large.

It even made major media stations sit up and take notice -- countless stories recounting the day were published everywhere.

My friend, this was a major victory for the pro-Family Movement.

The Homosexual Lobby looked us in the eye, and dared us to back down...

But we held our ground.

You see, homosexual agents tell politicians every day that Americans do not believe in real family values anymore.

They tell them that homosexual “marriage” is the next stage in American history.

And when a business like Chick-fil-A dares to stand up to them, the Homosexual Lobby brags about how they are going to crush the opposition.

But we called their bluff and showed the politicians in Washington D.C. -- and even the mayors of Chicago and Boston -- that the Family is still very important to Americans.

We told them, “You betray us at your own risk.”

However, we cannot let our guard down -- the Homosexual Lobby will strike back, and soon.

We must be ready for their next move.

But in the mean time, thank you for all your support in this great struggle.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.

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