Personal Liberty Alerts

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Latest From Wayne Allyn Root July 26, 2012
Why Are Obama, Democrats Economically Illiterate? Why Are Obama, Democrats Economically Illiterate? »
Under President Barack Obama, we have two Americas. The first America is represented by those who work in the government sector. The second America is represented by private-sector entrepreneurs, small-business owners and job creators.  More »

Hot Topics

The Ride Of A Lifetime The Ride Of A Lifetime »
Sally Ride passed away Monday at the relatively young age of 61. Ride, who exemplified American exceptionalism as much as anyone ever did, was a rare breed even among her spectacularly intelligent peers in the world of astrophysicists.  More »


Conspiracy Theories Aren’t Always False, Just Unpopular Conspiracy Theories Aren’t Always False, Just Unpopular »
In the wake of the tragic events that occurred in Aurora, Colo., last week, the familiar media trend of mindless chatter, finger-pointing and political polarization has emerged.  More »

Personal Liberty News

Paul’s Fed Audit Bill Passes House Paul’s Fed Audit Bill Passes House »
Ron Paul’s revolutionary bill to audit the Federal Reserve passed the House of Representatives overwhelmingly by a vote of 327-98 on Wednesday afternoon. Paul’s bill received backing from all House Republicans but one and support from 89 Democrats. More »

Gun Sales Up Following Batman Shooting Gun Sales Up Following Batman Shooting »
The Aurora, Colo., shooting has ratcheted up debates about gun laws. But in the State where the shooting occurred, something else has ratcheted up: gun sales. Background checks needed to buy a gun legally are up 43 percent after James Holmes’ alleged shooting spree.  More »

Los Angeles Bans Marijuana Dispensaries Los Angeles Bans Marijuana Dispensaries »
Medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles took a hit on Tuesday. The city council approved a measure that will ban dispensaries throughout the city. The ban was passed unanimously with a 14-0 vote. More »

Ageless Wisdom Of The Founders

The U.N.’s Gun Grab

In October 2009, while the Barack Obama Justice Department was watching guns purchased from U.S. border gun stores “walk” into Mexico straight into the hands of narcoterrorists, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: "Conventional arms transfers are a crucial national security concern for the United States, and we have always supported effective action to control the international transfer of arms.

"The United States is prepared to work hard for a strong international standard in this area by seizing the opportunity presented by the Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty at the United Nations. As long as that Conference operates under the rule of consensus decision-making needed to ensure that all countries can be held to standards that will actually improve the global situation by denying arms to those who would abuse them, the United States will actively support the negotiations. Consensus is needed to ensure the widest possible support for the Treaty and to avoid loopholes in the Treaty that can be exploited by those wishing to export arms irresponsibly."  More »

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