Personal Liberty Alerts

Personal Liberty Alerts: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Ben Crystal July 31, 2012
Gunning For Tyranny Gunning For Tyranny »
Rather than try to take on the 2nd Amendment from the front, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and his accomplices pinned their pusillanimous program to ban everything north of your daughter's pink .22 Crickett onto the Federal cyberspying bill. More »

Outside The Asylum

Eat More Chicken… Or Not Eat More Chicken… Or Not »
Being the charitable sort of fellow I am, I thought I might take a moment to offer a bit of advice to the forces that have rather loudly arrayed themselves against the glowering evil that is one of the largest purveyors of not-so-fine food in the country. More »

Personal Liberty News

Romney Loves Individual Mandates Romney Loves Individual Mandates »
It may be time for Republicans who hate the President's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to stop being dishonest with themselves and admit: Mitt Romney probably isn't going to do much in the way of changing Obamacare. More »

CNN Plays 'Stupid Girls' Before Palin Segment CNN Plays 'Stupid Girls' Before Palin Segment »
On Sunday, CNN played the song "Stupid Girls" before a story about Sarah Palin. The snippet of the song contained the lyric, "Stupid girl, stupid girls, stupid girls, maybe if I act like that…" More »

Libertarian Billboard Compares Obama To Batman Shooter Libertarian Billboard Compares Obama To Batman Shooter »
A billboard in Caldwell, Idaho, is causing an uproar. The highway advertisement compares President Barack Obama to alleged Batman shooter James Holmes. Attempts to get the billboard removed have been unsuccessful. More »

Law Enforcement Focus On Future Crime Law Enforcement Focus On Future Crime »
New reports indicate that law enforcement agencies are increasingly adopting the use of software that uses algorithms to predict where and when crimes are likely to take place by monitoring human behavior.  More »

Bob's Health Tip

Shield Your Liver From Damage With This Drink

A recent study of more than 12,000 people shows that up to one glass of red wine a day doesn't just help your heart and blood pressure, it cuts your risk of liver disease in half. This liver protection is mainly attributed to the resveratrol, a polyphenol and antifungal chemical that's found just below the skin of red wine grapes. More »

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