Will Maryland families be allowed to vote?

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Homosexual “marriage” will not become reality in Maryland without a fight.

This is my promise to you and to every resident who has been watching in horror as this terrible perversion descends upon their state.

You see, only months ago the Maryland legislature passed homosexual “marriage” in their state despite wide-spread dissent from the voters.

This is part of a national strategy of the Homosexual Lobby to use activist judges and radical legislators to force homosexual “marriage” into America despite the decisions of mainstream Americans.

They know that they cannot win a fair vote.

Every time the voting public has been given a choice about homosexual “marriage”, they have chosen real marriage!

The Homosexual Lobby used to think that they could control voter referenda -- through fear and intimidation and outright deceit -- but Americans have shown that they will not be stopped from showing their support for morality and Family values.

The Homosexual Lobby is terrified of letting Americans vote now.

Most recently we have seen the decisions of California voters invalidated by the Courts when they ruled first Prop 22 and then prop 8 to be illegal!

And now they are trying to deny Maryland residents the chance to strike down the perversion of homosexual “marriage” in their community.

I am proud to let you know that their tactics are not working.

Public Advocate has been hard at work in Maryland for weeks collecting signatures and spreading the word about this fight.

And I have been truly blessed by how many people have rushed to our side.

But we have not won yet.  We have to see this fight all the way through.

That’s why I need your support.

Public Advocate’s efforts have not been cheap and if you and I are to continue this fight it will take even more money.

Please give whatever you can today to help fund our efforts in Maryland to restore real marriage to its rightful place

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.

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