Gingrich Continues to Draw Secret Service Protection... On Your Dime

As presidential campaigns go, as a candidate draws closer to the nomination of either part, he is assigned a secret service detail for protection. After all, one of the candidates will end up being president of the United States. But when is it time to say enough is enough? Rick Santorum has dropped out. The nomination will be Mitt Romney's, yet Newt Gingrich continues his Secret Service detail at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars... per day.
Gingrich reportedly requested Secret Service protection in February and was granted a detail in early March. In April 2008, Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan told the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee that it was then costing the agency roughly $38,000 a day to service each candidate receiving protection, which was then just Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
A source with knowledge of the inner workings of the Gingrich campaign told The Daily Caller that Gingrich recently had three people on his personal security detail, though sometimes there are "many more."
Read the full story at The Daily Caller

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