Who Reigns?: Photo proof

Quote by Pope Pius X:

"The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he IS Jesus Christ Himself hidden under a veil of flesh.  Does the Pope speak?  It is Jesus Christ who speaks.  Does the Pope accord a favor or pronounce an anathema?  It is Jesus Christ who pronounces the anathema or accords a favor.  So that when the Pope speaks we have no business to examine.  We only have to obey.  We have no right to criticize his decisions, or discuss his commands.  Therefore, all who would wear the crown aught to submit to Divine Right."  (The Divine Right spoken of here is reference to Jesus Christ himself on earth, the Pope of Rome (the TRUE Antichrist of the Bible). The crown spoken of here refers to all the world's kings, queens, presidents and other heads of state.)

For proof, just go to Google Images and enter the name of any head of state in the world together with the word, Pope.
The Pope reigns over the kings of the earth.  They all pay worshipful homage due only to Christ by going to Vatican City (Rev 17:18  And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.) wearing black and veils (an outward sign of penance and submission) and bow and kiss his ring.

Elections of heads of state are total frauds that are conducted only to deceive the people into believing they have a choice. The Pope picks all the candidates through organizations subservient to the Pope.

Going to the polls only gives the appearance of legitimacy to a complete FRAUD.

Tom Friess
Inquisition Update

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