The Ronulans are among us: How Ron Paul’s delegate strategy is actually working

by Doug Wead

On they come, marginalized by the media and ridiculed by the Republican establishment.  Their votes are often rejected at precinct caucuses, their voices ignored by temporary chairmen who flout their own rules and pretend that they have the votes for their prearranged delegate slates.
On one occasion a crowd of onlookers shouts objections at this fraud, only to be subjected to prearranged organized arrests for “disturbing the peace.”  Some participants openly weep, in shame for the obscenity of such blatant corruption.  Others become angry.  In Missouri, a weary delegate is seen vomiting by the side of a building, sick over what she has just experienced.
In Kentucky they show up to find that their name is on a list prohibited from participation by the County Chairman.  He claims he did a drive-by the day before and they had a Libertarian sign in their yard and therefore cannot participate in a GOP caucus.
In Nevada the microphones are only allowed for favored candidates and are turned off when a young Hispanic tries to speak.  There are lots of Hispanics among this crowd. Parliamentary rules are ignored.  Prospective delegates are intimidated.
In Virginia, they are tricked into leaving the building, told that if there is no quorum the vote can be delayed until the rest of their people show up.  But once out of the building the County Chairman, herself, locks the door so they can’t get back in.
In Alaska, election times are changed and their names are excluded from robo calls announcing those changes. Participants from all of the other campaigns are invited.  Insiders are reportedly allowed to vote in caucuses by telephone conference calls, meanwhile, young people who show up are turned away in droves, saying they are too late or not registered, in spite of showing registration documents.
In Maine, a county chairman cancels the caucus, knowing that they will have a strong showing.  A GOP official transfers false data and her phony numbers are caught by a local newspaper.
In an Oklahoma county convention a corrupt chairman adds new delegates who didn’t attend precinct caucuses and eliminates those who actually did.  Another establishes a credentials committee which eliminates anyone under the age of thirty.
And yet, on they come, in spite of the pain, the inconvenience, the open hostility of the Party bosses.  They are like a tide of the ocean.  And for every precinct or county where they are violated or cheated, there is another where their sheer numbers prevail.  These are the Ronulans, the Ron Paul supporters, trying to take back the Mothership from the corrupt Empire.  And unseen, unheralded by the national media, they are showing signs of success.
In Seattle they overwhelm the 46th and 36th legislative district delegate elections, electing their own chairman, and winning every single one of the 21 delegates to the state convention.  The rejected former GOP chairman, pouting over his loss, walks off the stage with all of the Party ballots and scanners, perhaps believing that they cannot have a meeting without the Republican Party’s technology.
They out-organized us says a Romney man.  The same thing happens in the 36th District, where the Paul’s supporters vote down a Romney contrived “unity slate” that claimed to represent all of the other candidates.  Weeks ago the Associated Press claimed that Romney would win 30 of the Washington State delegates to the national convention, Ron Paul, they reported would win 5.  But it is turning out to be very different.
In Minnesota, where the AP projects 37 delegates for Santorum, 1 for Gingrich and 0 for Ron Paul the difference between media and reality is even more stark.  In Carver County, Minnesota (suburban Minneapolis) Ron Paul supporters show up in force securing 30 out of the 52 delegate slots that will go onto the State Convention.  Reports across the state are similar, especially in the suburbs.  In most of them Ron Paul supporters account for at least a third of the delegates that will go to State.  Theoretically, if they could unite, a Santorum-Paul deal could split the whole delegation to Tampa and deny Romney all but a few.
It is the same story in Missouri.  Here too, Senator Rick Santorum won the statewide beauty contest but is seeing the delegates being swept away by the Ronulan tide.  Ron Paul sweeps the St. Louis City Caucus and doubles the nearest delegate winner, Mitt Romney, in Jackson County (Kansas City.)  It is a dramatic showing.  In the Sixth Congressional District, Dr. Paul bags the whole lot, winning every single delegate to the State Convention.
Santorum wins Christian County but it is a bittersweet victory.  The County Chairmen himself openly declares “voter fraud.”  Videos and written eye witness reports abound on what really happened.
Perhaps the most dramatic contest centers on Greene County. (Springfield, Missouri.)  This is the home to the national headquarters for the Assemblies of God and the Baptist Bible Fellowship, of Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Falwell fame, respectively. The Ronulans extend a hand of cooperation to the Santorum people but it is rejected. And who can blame them?  Santorum had carried the County by 54% in the statewide, non binding, contest.   The Romney people quickly step into the breach, make peace with the Ronulans.  The end result is a delegation to the State Convention that is 59% Ron Paul, 36% Mitt Romney and 5% Rick Santorum.
Again in Boone County, (Columbia, Missouri,) Ron Paul organizer, Bruce Summers tries to strike a deal with Santorum supporters and is flatly rejected.  The Ronulans promptly elect a new chairman of the caucus and the Romney supporters, seeing the math, fall into line, offering to join with the Ron Paul forces just to be able to get a piece of the delegation that will go onto State.
Santorum forces become so defensive over the invasion of young Ronulans in Cass County that they make a deal with Romney they didn’t have to make.  Just to be certain of keeping out the Ron Paul supporters, they give up five delegates to Romney, their main rival for the GOP nomination.  Like the Ron Paul deals with Romney, it is a tactical decision of strategic incompetence.
In Iowa, where it all began last January, where the Romney State Chairman delayed reports that Santorum had really won after all, they have announced a new State Chairman.  He is A.J. Spiker, the State co-chairman for Ron Paul for president.  And still, the AP delegate tracker suggests that split of delegates from Iowa will be Santorum 14, Romney 12, and Ron Paul 1.  Clearly, if the Ronulans can replace the Romney State Chair with their own man, they will get much more than one delegate to Tampa.
So who are these Ron Paul supporters?  They are young.  He carried 48% of the youth vote in Iowa, 47% in New Hampshire, while six other candidates split the rest.  They are Hispanic.  He carried 52% of the Hispanic vote in Clark County, Nevada ( Las Vegas) while all of the others split the rest.  And they are Independents.  In a recent CBS poll he did better among Independents than all other candidates including Barack Obama.
And that means that they are the future.  It means they are going to keep coming.  They cannot be stopped, only delayed.  And not for long.  They are coming.  They are coming.

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