Dear Friend,
I need your help today to expose Pres. Obama’s radicalAct now to stop Pres. Obama from invading your child’s and your family’s privacy!
It sounds incredible I know. When I first read the facts, they blew my socks off. I couldn’t believe Pres. Obama would do this—and that it’s not front page news with big-banner-screaming headlines everywhere.
Yes, Pres. Obama is, right now, piece-by-piece assembling a federally-controlled database that identifies and collects personal information on virtually every American school child.
He is doing this in clear and open defiance of federal laws that ban the Department of Education from housing a federal database on public schoolchildren.
Even worse, Pres. Obama’s new regulations say his administration can share this private and personal data on your child with virtually anyone he wants.
What kind of information are we talking about?
Right now the Obama administration is asking states to collect more than 400 private and personal data points on your child and grandchildren.
Your child’s religion? Clearly none of the federal government’s business, but Pres. Obama wants the data on your child.
Your child’s health history? His or her visits to the school nurse? Assessments of his or her mental and social well being? None of the federal government’s business, obviously, but Pres. Obama wants that data collected on your child.
Your family’s income? Pres.Obama wants to know. Your child’s disciplinary incidents? None of the federal government’s business, but Pres. Obama is going to put this info into a database that he controls, and which he has unilaterally decided that the federal government is allowed to share with anyone interested in “studying” your child’s progress.
This is not just impersonal or abstract information. It is personal to your child. The federally-controlled database is going to include a personal identification number—possibly your child’s social security number—that allows the government to personally track your child as he or she moves into different schools and, indeed, through life.
As I said, this is outrageous. A patent violation of federal laws designed to protect your child’s privacy and limit the federal government’s power. Congress has passed explicit laws banning the Department of Education from housing a federal database.
How has Pres. Obama skirted the law?
Pres. Obama’s stealth strategy has been brilliant in a despicable way.
The first step was to use stimulus money to fool the states into adopting something called “common core standards”. Sounds pretty right? But even the liberal Brookings Institution education scholar Tom Loveless now says that national standards won’t raise student performance. And a new study by the American Principles Project and the Pioneer Institute shows that complying with Obama’s common core standards will cost state governments $16 billion.
Unconscionable. But the very worst cost is the cost to your family’s control over your child’s private information.
Smuggled into the 2009 Stimulus Bill was a requirement that states assemble a new kind of database on every public school child: one that allows the government to track every individual child through the years, without parental permission. Even if you originally agreed to let your child be assessed, you won’t be told that letting your child see the school nurse may mean that information about him or her will go to the federal government, to be shared with whomever Pres. Obama wants.
Please help me right now to expose Obama’s illegal database and the federal power grab behind it. Please take a few minutes to sign the Culture War Victory Fund petition. Demand that Congress hold hearings to expose the Obama stealth database; act now to hold this White House accountable to the law!
The purpose of education is to empower a child, not the federal government.
Enrolling in a local public school shouldn’t give Pres. Obama the license to collect –and share—personal and private information on your child without your knowledge or permission. Act now to protect the rights of every child and every parent!
Here at the Culture War Victory Fund, we will fight for your rights—and your children’s rights. We will fight for your rights as a parent to protect your child from government snooping. We will fight for life, for marriage, for religious liberty—and we will win!
God bless you and thank you for caring about first principles. About the most important things, the foundational values that make this the most blessed country on earth.
Maggie Gallagher
Culture War Victory Fund
P.S. We cannot let Pres. Obama get away with collecting and sharing our children’s personal information—data about their health, their mental health, their religion—behind our backs and in open defiance of the law! Please send this email to 3 friends, so the army of fighters for liberty grows!
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